''Let go'' Kla said his face was bright red.

Ice took the camera with his one hand but held Kla's wrist tightly in the other. He set the camera down on a rock. He moved close to Kla closing the space between them ''Since you know who and what I am, are you not scared'' he asked.

Kla looked up at him and shook his head ''No'' he said.

''Bunny said you wouldn't like the fact that me and Beer were once part of a gang'' he looked Kla dead in the eyes.

''Like I said I knew maybe a day or two after we meet, so if it had bothered me I would have left then'' Kla said.

Ice looked at Kla and for some reason everything started to seem familiar. What was it about this kid that drew him in close? Why did he feel more at easy with him then anyone else before? Just who was he really?

Bun sat near the fire looking at it. Beer sat near him. He could tell something was on his mind ''Bun, you said before you knew about Ice painful past.''

Bun nodded and wrapped a blanket around himself ''Dong once told me about it, I wanna say it was two years ago when he told me. It was just after Kla started to date Prince.'' He looked at Beer ''At the time I think it has been three years since the break up for Ice. Dong told me that he had sent him on something and when he got back he caught his boyfriend having sex with another guy in their bed. The worse part was when he got caught them, the guy just smiled at Ice and blamed it on him.''

Beer looked down ''I knew about the break up and the cheating but I didn't know that part of it.''

''Other then that guy blaming him the worse part was he wanted to still stay with Ice while having the other guy as a lover'' a voice said walking over to them.

Both Beer and Bun looked up to see Dong standing there smiling ''Hello my little Bunny'' he said.

Bun jumped up and ran over hugging Dong tightly ''Why are you here'' he asked.

Dong picked him up and hugged him even tighter ''When Ice called me and told me about what was going on I knew I couldn't stay still anymore. Then I saw your post so I caught the next flight out here.''

Beer stood up and bowed to Dong ''Sir, it's a pleasure to see you again.''

Dong smiled and patted his shoulder ''Chill we are all here as friends'' He looked around ''Where is Ice by the way?''

Bun let go of Dong and looked at Beer ''He went after Kla'' he said.

''Kla? Your friend'' he asked ''The one who is dating Prince?''

''Was'' Bun said ''He caught him cheating.''

Dong sat down pulling Bun onto his lap ''Then why is Prince here'' he said pointing.

Bun looked up at Prince and his friends who were laughing and having fun ''Cause that crazy asshole wouldn't leave Kla alone, but I think he finally figured it out.''

Dong sighed a bit and smiled ''I wondered how long it would take for Ice and Kla to meet again'' he said.

Both Beer and Bun looked at him confused. Dong looked at Bun and laughed ''Don't tell me you forgot as well. I mean sure it's normal for them to but you weren't even drunk that night.''

''What night are you talking about'' Bun asked.

''It was at the main house and it was the old man's birthday'' he said leaning back ''You and Kla had come over cause he needed to get away from Prince. They were having their first fight after only three months of being together. Kla choose to get drunk then walked outside to get fresh air. You couldn't leave him alone so we followed after him in secret. He stopped and looked up at the moon. You were about to go over and bring him back in when Ice, who happened to be drunk as well, was out walking about and found Kla.''

Bun's eyes widen ''Shit, how could I have forgotten about that'' he smacked his own head so hard that he almost feel off Dong's lap.

Dong caught him and laughed hugging him tightly ''I'm not shocked that you did'' he said teasing.

''So what happened after that'' Beer asked looking at him.

Dong looked at him ''Ice watched Kla for a long time. When Kla turned to leave he saw Ice standing there. Kla walked over to Ice and hugged him tightly. He said Ice looked like a handsome male fairy sent by the moon to help him through the hard time.''

''Yep sounds like something Kla would say'' Bun said.

Dong went on as he played with Bun's hair ''Ice could tell Kla was drunk, so he took him inside to lay down. Kla asked him for his name and Ice told him. Kla ended falling so Ice had to carry him back to the room. After tucking him Ice was about to leave when Kla grabbed his hand and held it tightly. Ice stayed with him most the night.'' He smiled and looked at the both of them ''Nothing happened between them but I could tell right away they were meant to be with each other. The way he looked at Kla and held him in his arms. It's like they fit together, sadly it took both of them getting hurt to truly find each other.'' Both Beer and Bun agreed.

Kla looked at Ice standing in the moonlight. He reached up and pushed a piece of hair away from his face that had fallen ''You know standing in the moonlight like this you look like a handsome male fairy that was sent to me by the moon.'' Kla smiled at him.

Something in Ice's mind flash as if he had heard that before. He looked at Kla closely then it finally hit him. Why had he not noticed before? Ice let go of Kla right away and took off into the woods. He had to ask Bun about something before he spoke to Kla more about it.

Kla sighed and watched as he left. He turned and picked the camera up then started to flip throw the photos more ''Just how much did he see'' Kla said to himself ''Some of the photos go back two years so I wonder if he saw those.''

Ice had finally made his way back to the camp site ''Bunny, I need to talk to you'' he said but then stopped when he saw Dong. He bowed his head ''Sir'' he said.

Dong stood up and went over to his friend ''Not you as well'' he said laughing ''As I told Beer we are all here as friends.''

Ice nodded and looked at him ''Since you are here I have to ask about something.'' He looked at Bun as well ''You and Kla, were you at the main house two years ago for a birthday party?''

Both Dong and Bun looked at each other then at Ice and nodded ''Yeah why'' Bun asked smiling.

''Have you finally remembered'' Dong said.

''So then what I remember about Kla'' he asked.

''It happened'' Dong replied ''He is the one you talked about before. I wonder why you never noticed before.''

Bun noticed how quite it was now. He looked and saw that Prince and his friends had left finally ''About time'' he said then he turned and looked at Ice crossing his arms ''By the way where is Kla'' he asked.

Ice sat down holding his head ''By the waterfall.''

Bun sighed and walked off to find him. When he reached the waterfall he found Kla's camera sitting on the rock with a photo of Ice from two years ago at the main house on it. Bun picked it up and looked at it then looked around for Kla. Just then his phone started to ring.

''Kla, where are you'' he asked.

''Bunny, tell everyone I'm sorry'' he said. Just by his voice Bun could tell he was upset. ''I'm going back home.'' After that he hung up.

Bun gripped the camera tightly and ran off back to the camp site. Just then he got a text message from Kla.

''Even though I was drunk I was still able to remember him first yet he remembers nothing. Please leave it that way. I just wish to disappear from his life so he can keep going on.'' Kla's message said.

Bun looked at Ice who was sitting there waiting for him to bring Kla back. He looked at his phone again and sent a message back ''He remembers everything as well. Please come back.''

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