Will you hold me? Please? (Foxxay)

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It's been exactly 3 weeks since Misty came back inexplicably from hell, ever since she came back, she has stayed in her room. Cordelia never gave away that room thinking that maybe one day she'd be able to bring Misty back. And now here she was. Not because of her. But she was back.

The moment they hugged, she knew she had to do everything in her power to make Misty feel like home again. After they talked for hours, she noticed Misty was not herself. Misty went back to her room and ever since, she's stayed there.

Zoe tried talking to her, so did Queenie, but none of them could get her to get out of the room. Not even Cordelia. The supreme tried to invite her to the greenhouse but Misty always said no because she was tired or she wasn't feeling ok. Cordelia knew this was going to happen and yet, she didn't expect this from the swamp witch.

After being dead so many times and brought back to life, she thought Misty was going to be able to surpass this but she was wrong. I mean, she was in hell after all. Her own personal hell, for a year. Of course it wasn't going to be easy to get through it. So Cordelia did the best she could to cheer Misty up.

It was a rainy day at the academy, all the girls were curled up in their beds since the whole house felt like a freezer. Zoe and Queenie checked on everyone and brought them some hot chocolate trying to cheer everyone up. Cordelia walked to Misty's room and knock on the door, she waited for the young witch to answer.

"Come in."

Cordelia sighed as she heard Misty and smiled a little as she entered the room. She found the witch sitting in the sofa chair near the window. Misty gave her little smile.

"Hey there, love. How are you doing."

"'m alrigh'." Misty hugged her legs as she saw Cordelia walking to her. "Whatcha got in there?"

Cordelia smiled. "I brought you some hot chocolate. I made it, in case you were wondering." The supreme winked at her and chuckled. She extended her arm, giving her the cup.

Misty chuckled and grabbed the cup. "Thanks, Miss Delia."

"You're welcome." Cordelia sat on the other couch in front of Misty, staring at her and sighing. "How are you really feeling, Mist?"

Misty looked at Cordelia. She knew she couldn't fool the supreme. She sighed and shook her head. "I real didn' want to worry ya, Delia."

"Misty, I always worry about you. Even if you're not trying to get me worried." Cordelia said softly. "You can tell me whatever you want."

Misty looked at her own hands, sighing. "I just don' feel myself anymore. I feel like I lost somethin' and I dunno how to be myself again."

"Misty..." Cordelia sighed and walked to Misty, kneeling on the floor in front of her. She placed one of her hands on her knee and looked up to her. "I know this is not easy, but you are not alone, Mist. I'm here to help you, the girls want to help you. It will take some time but you can do it, baby. I won't let you go into this road alone. I'll be here, I promise."

Misty bit her lip and felt tears in her eyes, she looked at Cordelia. "I'm just scared."

"I know you are, but I'm here. I'm not leaving you." Misty nodded and smiled a little. "How much have you slept?"

Misty cleared her throat. "I-I haven' r-real sleep at all."

Cordelia sighed. "Why don't you go to sleep for a little? And I'll wake you up so we can go eat dinner? Sounds good?"

Misty nodded. She placed the cup on the table beside the couch. She helped Cordelia stand up and they both walked to the bed. Misty laid down and let Cordelia pull the covers over her, smiling down at her.

Cordelia was about to walk out when she felt a hand grabbing her by the wrist. She turned to look at Misty. "Yes, dear?"

"Will ya hold me? Please?" Misty whispered, sounding insecure about her request.

Cordelia smiled and nodded. "I will."

Cordelia laid on the other said of the bed and waited for Misty to snuggle into her. Misty laid her head on her chest and wrapped her arms around her abdomen, hugging the supreme tightly. Cordelia smiled at this and wrapped her arms around Misty, pulling her closer to her and kissing her head.

"Are ya sure ya can stay? I know the girls might need ya too."

Cordelia shook her head. "They'll be fine for a few hours. Right now, it's only you and me."

Misty smiled. "I like the sound of that."

Raulson Prompts.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon