Chapter 4

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The two weeks after that night at the bar were some of the busiest since Haley had moved to LA and started her job. They were also some of the worst. If she didn't know that her boss loved her, she'd think he was trying to get her to quit.

The last two bands she'd had to shoot were some of the biggest jerks she'd ever met. They'd acted as if they were topping the charts already, as opposed to playing music that was practically unlistenable, with too much techno, and singing that could never be considered on key. The first band had spent the entire shoot hitting on her, and the second had spent their gig drinking, and were so drunk by the end that they could barely stand for her photos. 

When her next assignment came in, and it was on a guy clearly trying way too hard to be Eminem, Haley needed to get out of the office, and informed her boss she was going to do research.

A trip to Turntables wasn't technically research, but if Haley heard one more line of terribly rhyming rap, her head was going to explode.

It was the first time Haley had been there when the weather was nice. The sun streamed through the high windows, hitting the dust particles, and Haley took her camera out, snapping a few photos before she started browsing. There was an old Jimmy Eat World song playing, and she wished she could capture the music as well. 

She'd been looking through the vinyls when she realized someone was standing  next to her, looking over, she found herself face to face with Ashton, a smirk plastered across his face. He leaned against the shelves, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Hey, stranger."

Haley raised her eyebrows at him before looking back at the shelves, thumbing through the records. 

"Have you been avoiding our lovely piece of Heaven after that funny little coincidence the other day?" When she looked back up at him, there was a cheeky smile on his face, and she shook her head.

"I have a job. I can't just come buy music every day, Ashton." 

"Aw, you remembered my name! Are you sure you haven't been avoiding us?" Ashton ran a hand through his hair, before tapping a rhythm against the shelf in front of him.

"I'm sure. Work's just been busy."

"What do you do?"

Haley held up the camera that was hanging from her shoulder. 

"I'm a photographer."

Ashton looked at her sheepishly, nodding.

"That would explain the camera, wouldn't it. I figured you just wanted a picture of me." He winked at her and did what she assumed was supposed to be a Zoolander face. 

"You caught me." Rolling her eyes at him, she held her camera up to her face and clicked the shutter a few times.

Tilting the camera so he could see the picture too, she jumped a little when he started laughing.

"Oh man, I look like an idiot. Can I have a copy of it?"

Before she could answer, a bell rang through the quiet store, and Ashton perked up. Walking towards the register, he called over his shoulder.

"Duty calls! Let me know if you need any help, Haley! Don't forget to make me a copy of that picture for my portfolio!"


Haley had all but forgotten about the pictures of Ashton she'd taken until a week later when she was uploading the shots from her shoot with the wannabe rapper. She printed one of them, figuring he'd get a laugh out of it, and put it in an envelope before tucking it into her bag.

She was supposed to have brunch with Maggie in an hour, and had been dreading it, knowing that there was a good chance Francisco would be joining them. She went through the pictures once more time, before shutting her laptop and getting ready. 

She was shocked to find Maggie waiting for her at the restaurant, and even more surprised to see that she was alone. She finished whatever she was doing on her phone before looking up at Haley and smiling.

"No models this morning?"

"Francisco was too hungover to get out of bed, and I didn't want to deal with that." Maggie shrugged, not looking very bothered. She had her favorite pair of sunglasses on, and and Haley knew her well enough to know it was to hide her bloodshot eyes, and not because of the weather. They were sitting outside, but their table was under the shade of a large tree.

After they'd ordered, Maggie started rambling about how romantic Francisco was, and Haley found herself very happy when the drinks they'd ordered came. Haley loved Maggie, but the drama in her life was too much sometimes, and she tended to overshare on almost a daily basis. 

Even in her hungover state, Maggie drank more of the mimosas than Haley, and they were on their second pitcher when Haley heard a familiar voice. Looking up, she found Ashton walking towards her, accompanied by an even taller guy, his blonde hair quiffed impressively.

She tried to look away, wishing she'd sat facing the opposite way, and winced when she heard her name.

"Haley! It's been so long!" Ashton leaned against the railing of the fence, smiling widely, and Maggie's eyebrows rose above the frames of her sunglasses. Haley sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"Hey, Ashton." 

Maggie cleared her throat, and Haley looked over at her.

"Oh. Um, Ashton, this is Maggie. Maggie, Ashton."

He reached out to her, and they shook hands. 

"Pleasure. Any friend of Haley's is a friend of mine." He winked, and I rolled my eyes. Ashton jerked his thumb at the guys he was with. "This is Luke."

Haley tried to remember what Ashton had told her about the band, and thought she remembered him saying something about Luke playing guitar, but she wasn't sure. 

Luke smiled, shaking both their hands, and then went back to chewing at the ring through his lip. 

"Well, as much as I'd love to stay and chat, we've got band practice. You should stop by sometime next week Haley, we've got new stuff."

With a salute, Ashton started walking away, Luke following after him. Suddenly, Haley remembered what she'd thrown in her bag.

"Ashton!" She dug through her things, coming up with the envelope and pushing it towards him when he walked back to her. "For your portfolio."

Ashton barked out a laugh, throwing  head back. Tearing open the envelope, he pulled out the picture and started laughing harder, handing it to Luke.

"Look at my Blue Steel!"

Luke shook his head, laughing quietly at his friend. 

"This is great, Haley. I should make it poster sized and hang it at the store."

"That would be terrifying."

Ashton nodded and thanked Haley again before tucking the envelope in his back pocket and walking away for the second time.

"Michael says hi, by the way!" He spoke in a singsong voice, and Haley answered him in the same tone.

"Shut up, Ashton!"

This is the fastest I've updated something in a while. I'm falling a little in love with this story. I know we haven't had much Michael, and some parts feel a bit like an Ashton story, but I promise there's a reason for it! Thanks for reading! x

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