Chapter 52: Le Projet

Start from the beginning

I spent the rest of the day editing the best friend tag video with the occasional bathroom and food break. I finished right before dinner. I went downstairs to find pizza on the counter but no one in the kitchen so I took a few slices before sliding onto one of the stools and grabbing the phone and dialing gramps and grammie.

Gramps: Hello?
Malia: Hey Gramps it's Malia
Gramps: Oh *cough* how are you Malia *cough*
Malia: Honestly not the greatest but I will be okay, you don't sound so good.
Gramps: Just a little cold, what's wrong
Malia: Well Lily left today so I am sad but I know I will be okay
Gramps: Well I'm sure you will get through it you always do.
Malia: So remember I told you about recording with Ariana?
Gramps: Yes, how did that go?
Malia: I think it went really well. We finished recording with Jack and Jack yesterday and we did some editing. Ari said that she would have some people come in and finish it up later that week.
Gramps: That's great.
Malia: Yeah but the song isn't coming out until March next year.
Gramps: Well I can't wait to hear it.
Malia: I can't wait for you and Grammie to hear it. How is Grammie?
Gramps: Oh she is doing fine.
Malia: That's good. We're just kind of relaxing here. I did a video with Lily before she left called the best friend tag where you ask questions about each other that the other should know and if we got one wrong we had to shove ice cream in our faces.
Gramps: Oh my, now that's how you get sick.
Malia: haha, we're okay. It was really fun.
Gramps: Did you do anything else today?
Malia: Yeah we went to the Hollywood walk of fame because Lily had never been and so we wanted to take her.
Gramps: That's nice. Was it fun?
Malia: Yeah, but we got bombarded by some Nafians and it kind of took up some time.
Gramps: What are Nafians?
Malia: Oh it's an acronym for not a fan I'm a nerd, because I didn't like the word fan, because I felt like it generalized them too much o I made that one up and so now we just call the 'fans' Nafians or nafs.
Gramps: That's considerate of you.
Malia: You know me haha.
Gramps: Well I am glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself.
Malia: Thanks Gramps.
Gramps: I'm going to head to bed but I love you and so does Grammie.
Malia: I love you and Grammie too.

With that I heard the phone hang up before I hung up the home phone. I smiled to myself as I took a bite of my pizza. Well that was nice talking to gramps. I went upstairs and decided to finish up my homework that I hadn't finished.

I managed to finish the English paper and all of my French worksheets. Calculus was easy and I was able to finish it while the teacher had been lecturing. I had a lot of APUSH (AP United States History) reading to do.

Cameron's POV

(I never do this. I hate changing POV's but I will do it this time)

I walked downstairs to see that a couple slices of pizza were missing. Mals. I'm really proud of her. She's come really far from where she was just a couple months ago, all locked away in her room. It's really nice getting to see her true self. I walked up to her room and lightly knocked in the door. When I didn't get a response I peeked into find her asleep at her desk. I smiled to myself. She works too much.

I walked in and looked at her desk. Her laptop was opened and I could see that she just finished editing a video, but that she was also taking notes. I looked to see that she had fallen asleep on her APUSH textbook.

"Yeah, I never liked US History either Mals," I joked as I carefully picked her up. I carried her to her bed and laid her down. I knew that she hated sleeping with shoes on and that she also hated not showering before she went to bed but I really didn't want to wake her. I just took off her shoes and set them near her bed as I tucked her into bed.

"Night Mals," I said as I kissed her forehead and shut her laptop. I took one last look at her before I turned off the light and shut the door. I made my way back into my room where Nash was lying on the bed with Hayes.

The Secret Life of Malia DallasWhere stories live. Discover now