Chapter 5

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Hearts as Fragile as Glass


For this chapter and the last chapter I owe a lot to my friend Shtubb (they just recently created an account and don't have any stories as of now, but they're there!) who helped out as an editor and made sure I didn't completely embarrass myself with the writing. Also, be sure to look out for the Valentine's Day story I'm uploading to on the 14th! As much as it pains me, I've committed to making it. Anyway, enjoy the story, and thanks for sticking around!

Chapter 5

"I didn't know you were that close to Viktor." Phichit laughed.

"I'm not." Yuuri said stubbornly.

"Are you sure?" Phichit held his hands together and bashed his eyelashes, "He was right there, staring down at you... you have to admit that's dreamy."


Damn it, Viktor! Yuuri thought, I don't need Phichit doing this... you and your stupid idea to help me 'gain confidence' only make everything worse!

Phichit suddenly began to act seriously. "But really, Yuuri, how do you feel about him? I won't tell anyone."

"You'll just use it against me, like what you did when I told you I used to take ballet." Yuuri countered. He didn't have any intention to tell Phichit how he felt about Viktor, because in all honesty, he had no idea himself.

Afterall, he knew how awkward and oddly unaware Viktor was acting around him. It wasn't normal for just starting to really become friends with someone... but somehow, Yuuri felt okay about it. Or, as okay as he would ever feel with someone like Viktor. He had no reason to, really, but something in the back of his head that he just couldn't remember felt so comfortable around Viktor. Maybe it was the fact that someone was actually "interested" in Yuuri. He hadn't been the most social person, if it weren't for Phitchit's interest in making fun of him they probably wouldn't have become friends, let alone roommates.

"What is it?" Phichit finally said after a long while of neither of them talking.

"I just- this sounds stupid, but I really feel like I'm forgetting something."

"What do you mean, something? Like homework, or...?"

Yuuri was still confused, and stared at a random dot on the wall as he spoke, as if looking away would cause him to lose everything he was thinking. "No... it's like a full memory."

It was Viktor's last day of junior year- and he definitely remembered it well. The outgoing seniors always hosted a party for the rest of the school to be held in the dormitory lounge, but the real party was outside by the lake. Only an exclusive few found of about it, Viktor obviously being one of them.

As he walked over to the tables hastily set up, he noticed the other students who hadn't been there last time: a few seniors who were told as a graduation treat, a freshman who must have followed someone else out, and two sophomores, one of them Viktor barely recognizing as the one who was always trying to sneak hamsters into class, and the other the quiet kid he had given a tour of the school when he'd first arrived at the beginning of the year.

He walked over to Chris, who was unpacking his suitcase of various beers and liquors that the other students weren't questioning how he got. "Care for some?" Chris held up a bottle to him.

"Only a little, you know what happened last time." Viktor laughed, taking it and popping open the lid.

His friend shrugged, "It's a good thing nobody else saw. But y'know, I snuck it from the lunch lady's secret collection... you can always get some more from there. She thinks it's well hidden underneath that big clunky trash can, but anybody can see it if they look enough."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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