Chapter 1

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I was coming home from London back to Paris France you don't know but I move away when I was 14 I then found out that my so-called parents kidnapped me when I was ten abused me and when I was 14 and a half  I found out I was taken away and Emily is a doctor she put me in to a police training camp for 5 years and now I am going to Paris France to work I help for 3 years training another police officer and now I am older to be one I went to the police station right after I unpacked I had a few things left to do I had to get hit with a taser I walk to the gym then had I then saw Gabriel

 "hey Marinette long time no see are you ready," he asked I nodded taking off my jacket and handing it to an officer to hold me on both sides 

"Taser, taser, taser" then there was a shot it hurt but I was still then they laid me down and took out the prongs I was breathing fast

 "You okay," asked the female officer 

"fine," I said getting up and grabbing my jacket and left for the day I was going to come back tomorrow and work I already got my list of people I am going work with and their background 


my team and the girl's team was in the officer then my dad came in "okay I want to tell you all something" he said as we sat down "Adrien I am grateful that you took over Lila's place when we found out that she was a criminal but I got someone else" 

"what?" Rose asked

 "yes, she just left she will be in here tomorrow morning,"

 "what's her name do you got her background?" asked Alya

 "her name in Marinette and no I can't give out her background," he said as he left the room  

"Oh, do you think Adrien going fall in love?" Nino asked I pushed him off the chair 

"shut up," I said under my breath

"sorry dude but your that only one who doesn't have a girl" Kim smile as he walked to his desk


I was in the park on a bench designing clothes for fun in tell I head a scream I throw my book and pencil into my backpack and ran to the screaming to see a woman and a little girl there was 2 men and people watching

 "give me the girl and I will leave no one hurt," he said

 "and if anyone of you calls the cops you will be shot," yelled the other man 

"leave them alone," I yelled out

 "and what are you going to do," the man said holding a gun to me

 "put your weapon down" I yelled out

 "no and for talking back you're coming with us," he said coming up to me I pulled out my gun and pointed at him 

"back up" I warned him back up

 "Um, Jack she has a gun" 

"shot her then" then there was a shot I hit the ground I got up and ran to a side so he could not shot 

"everyone gets away" I yelled out they ran then there was another shot it only cut me on the side I was a long cut 


I and Nino also Alya were on patrol 

"123," the radio said

 "this is 123" I answer

 "we have 2 people in the park with guns I think on of them are shooting we posable have on injured," she said

 "on my way," I said

 "134 will be their" 

" 145 I am a minute away," Alya said I turn on my lights and was there in 45 seconds I ran out an pulled my gun on tree people 1 woman and 2 male 

"put your weapons down"I yelled right when Alya and Nino came the female put it down right away the other one was not following and pointed the gun at a little girl he shot the female jump and grabbed the girl and stumbled in to the wall her back hitting it I head her groan the little girl was crying  another woman she grabbed the little girl crying

 "okay you got one last chance put down your weapon" Nino yelled he then drop it and we handcuffed both of the men we then walk to the female

 "get on the ground," I said 

"I-"I cut her off 

"get on the ground," I said she did as we told her  I handcuffed her we then took them to the car when the woman and little girl came to Nino as he put in the two males he held them back  Alya came over to pat her down

 "do you have any weapons on you or do you have something that is going to stick me or stab me?" she asked 


 "what do you have?" 

"I have a taser and pepper spray and a pocket knife," she said 

"where are they, "I asked 

"in my belt," she said 

"can I talk now," asked the girl as Alya handed her ID to me 

"so Marinette why how did you have a gun?"


"so Marinette why how did you have a gun?" Adrien asked

 "well because I am a police officer off duty," I said he looked at me 

"I know everyone here in the police station I have never seen you," he said I nodded 

"I came in today and I start tomorrow Adrien" his eyes widen 

"how do you know my name?" he asked

 "I know you Adrien from your mom and because I am taking over Lila's place" he nodded and uncuffed me 


"thank you for stepping in you are free to go," I said as she walks I saw the little girl run to her and grab her hand the woman came up to my with Nino 

"so what happens, "I asked

 "well that one without the gun is my ex-boyfriend he was mad that I had a child and wanted to take her she came and asked the guy with the gun to put it down she then pulled her own gun and then everything and he started to shot I think she was shot" she said I looked at her 

"wait where is she, "I asked as I looked around not to see her then the little girl ran to us 

"mommy the woman gave me a sticker before she had to go home" 

"do you know where she went?" I asked she nodded we then got into our cars and drove to where she said we then saw Marinette walking I got out and went up to her then the little girl ran over to her and pulled her arm

 "you need help," she said as I got to her 

"I want you to tell me the truth...did you get shot?" 

"yes sir" 

"you need to come with us to the hospital" 

"no I am not going and I don't have to I am fine on my own" she explains and left us 

"Sorry ma'am but we can't do anything about Marinette she is an adult and if she said that she doesn't want to go to the hospital when she does not have to and I can't force her," I said 

"oh dear what if the built went through her," she said

 "well we cant now I will send out a report of it and have someone take a look at her, "I said she had tears in her eyes 

"she helps us and she is a police officer off duty," she said as I drove her home "its all my fault if I haven't told the police about him this would of happen" she cried 

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