New Beginnings.

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Long ago, In the time of dinosaurs there was a young dinosaur named Arlo. Arlo along with his family, and his friend and his family all lived on a farm by a mountain called Claw Tooth Mountain. Arlo and Spot where best friends after an adventure beyond Claw Tooth Mountain, but this story is not about that adventure this book is about their kid's adventure. So, without further ado let us begin.

New Beginnings.

The sun rose over the horizon to a new day, Arlo and his wife Bay awake to tend to the farm with the rest of the family "Good morning, everyone!" said Arlo to the family of Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, and Critters "Good morning, Arlo!" said Libby as she ate breakfast with her family "Good morning, Arlo!" said Buck to Arlo has he sat down to eat breakfast. After breakfast, the family started on the farm chores. Arlo with the farm animals, Buck clearing farm land, and Libby plowing farms. The rest of the family have different chores on the farm, while Bay tends to the younger children and her eggs. After working on the farm the family stopped for lunch "So, how's the kids?" asked Zee as he ate his lunch "Oh, in a few days our eggs will hatch!" said Arlo nuzzling Bay happily "Oh, how exiting! said Henri happily as she ate next to Zee "I can't wait to see them!" The other members agreed to the news of the hatching. After lunch the family continued to work on the farm until dinner time "Another long day done, and the farm work is done for the day." said Arlo cheerfully as he ate dinner with the family "Yes, work is done." stated RJ the Pterosaur "Until, tomorrow." said Ruska the Critter as they ate the fruit herd salad with their family "We should turn in early for tomorrow." stated Buck as he finished eating his dinner "I agree, I'm tired!" said Spot has he finished his dinner, picked up his plate, and went to his room with his family to go to bed. The other family members followed in suite behind Spot and his family "Good night, everyone!" said Arlo to his family "Good night, Arlo." said his family has everyone goes to bed.

Later, that night Arlo is watching the eggs as Bay gets ready to go to bed "Arlo, are you ready to go to bed?" asked Bay as she walked in to the room "Oh, hello Bay." said Arlo as he walked up to her and look at the eggs "I'm just worried about when the eggs hatch." said Arlo worry looking at the three eggs resting in a nest that is lifted from the ground "Oh, Arlo don't worry, we'll be great parents!" said Bay looking at Arlo and the eggs in the room "I know, I'm worried that we will have kids that won't like us." said Arlo sadly watching the eggs "Nonsense, their love us!" said Bay happily pushing Arlo "I supposed, Bay." said a smiling Arlo. Arlo turned towards the door an started to walk towards the door "Come on Bay, we got a big day ahead of us." said Arlo as he exited the room "Ok, Arlo." said Bay following Arlo out of the room and shutting out the light to the nursery "Good night, children." she said lovely to the eggs. Arlo and Bay went to their rooms and went to bed unaware that their peace will be interrupted forever by one of the eggs hatching.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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