Charlie Weasley

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Charles Weasley, also known as Charlie, is the second eldest of the Weasley family.

He was born on December 12 1972. He attended Hogwarts in 1984 and was sorted into Gryffindor.

He had 1 older brother, William, and 5 younger siblings; Percy, Fred, George, Ronald and Ginevra.

He never had any mentioned romantic relationship. It was said that he was more interested in studying dragons than having a relationship.

He was in the same year as Nymphadora Tonks.

During his time at Hogwarts he was both Prefect and Quidditch Captain. He played seeker on the Quidditch team from his 2nd year on.

Also he spent a lot of his time in school sneaking into the Forbidden Forest.

He had to take his apparation test twice as his first time he apparated on top of an old muggle woman doing her shopping.

After leaving school, he went to Romania to study dragons.

At Christmas in 1991, Charlie was visited by his parents and his sister, Ginny.

During the early part of 1992, Charlie received a letter from Ron, asking for help in getting rid of a baby dragon. Charlie, agreed to help and arranged for some of his friends to pick up Norbert (the dragon) and deliver him to the dragon sanctuary in Romania where he worked.

In 1993, Charlie joined the rest of his family for a holiday in Egypt.

Charlie returned to the Burrow to attend the Quidditch World Cup with the rest of his family. He also met Harry Potter for the first time. During the Death Eater disturbance Charlie, along with his father, Bill, and Percy assisted the Ministry in attempting to stop it. Charlie stayed at the Burrow for the summer and accompanied his siblings to King's Cross Station.

During the Triwizard Tournament, which took place in the 1994-1995 school year, Charlie assisted in bringing nesting mother dragons to Hogwarts for use in the First Task. They were transported over using a Sleeping Draught. He remained on hand during the Task in case the dragons got out of hand, and congratulated Harry on beating the Hungarian Horntail.

When the Order of the Phoenix was reformed Charlie joined alongside his family. He remained in Romania and was assigned to recruit foreign wizards to the cause.

In the summer of 1997, Charlie once more returned to the Burrow, to serve as best man at Bill's wedding. He informed Hagrid that Norbert was doing well and was now called Norberta since they had discovered that the dragon was actually a female.

When the wedding was broken up by Death Eaters he was questioned alongside his family but was safe. He presumably returned to Romania.

At the Battle of Hogwarts he arrived toward the end of the battle alongside Horace Slughorn. He and Horace led hundreds of reinforcements. He survived the Battle of Hogwarts.

As of the summer of 2014, he was still unmarried, which prompted Rita Skeeter to wonder what were the reasons behind his prolonged celibacy.

He had many skills including a talent with animals, Quidditch skills, dueling, social networking and darning.

He was athletic and strong. He was also incredibly caring and loyal. Additionally he was brave and rebellious.


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