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 "To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else." - Emily Dickinson


One month later.

Dear Lyla,

I am pleased my letter made you smile. Just knowing this does my heart good. And I would be honored if you found me worthy enough to bare your soul to, because I plan to do quite a bit of that myself. (Your turn to smile.)

Have you done any more speed dating lately? Mum shared that bit of information with me and I must say, I was amused enough to laugh out loud. Your sons are quite the pair. I have heard of such things, but an opportunity like that has never presented itself. Maybe one day. Then again maybe it would be too much fun. I don't know, what do you think? Should I give it a try?

So, how are you today? Good since you are reading my letter, I hope. I am picturing you sitting on your deck, listening to the waves crashing inland. Is the Outer Banks as beautiful as Mum says? I have never been to that part of America. Both times I traveled there, I went to California. I imagine the views are similar.

This has been a busy week for me. I have spent most of it on the road, visiting each B&B, going over books and inspecting the property. It is exhausting at times, but the drive is beautiful. I hope to show it to you one day. If you ever come to New Zealand again, I promise to make sure I am here. Never again will I miss the opportunity to see you.


P.S. Because responding is taking so long, why don't we step into the future and correspond through email? Should we give it a try? My address is below.

Refolding the letter, I immediately jump up and head to the computer.

* * *

It is two o'clock in the afternoon. Because New Zealand is sixteen hours ahead, I know he is probably just getting up, but that doesn't matter. My letter will be there for him to read this morning. The thought warms me to the core.

Dear Marc,

I don't know why we didn't think of this sooner. I love having your letters in hand, but this is a lot nicer.

As for baring, I'll bare all if you do. (Definitely don't mean that the way it sounds.)

Speed dating is overrated, so save yourself the drama and don't dive into its despairing depths. And no, I haven't been back on the dating merry-go-round. It is too much work and not worth the effort. Besides, I exhausted Keenan and Kyle's list and the proverbial well of single men is depleted, thank goodness. I'm not swearing off men, just giving up the halfhearted hunt because none of them are the one. I'm not sure if the one even exists. Boy, we sure are a pair, aren't we?

My week has been pretty busy as well. I have been tending grand-kids while the boys and their wives are away for a few days. Chasing around a couple of two-year-old toddlers is exhausting, but I have treasured our time together. I think I have started to feel my age this week. The boys just live a mile down the road and I get to see the little ones several times a week, but having them to myself has been special. They are napping now and I knew I had better hurry and write you since they will be up soon. Their parents will be here in a bit to get them.

The Outer Banks does have a distinctive beauty all its own, and you have come to know me well in only a couple of letters. I was indeed relaxing on the deck, listening to the ocean as I read your letter.

I pause in my writing, warmth filling me at the thought of him picturing me . . .

Woman, you have got to stop this! Not only is he your friend's son, he's too young. Shaking my head at how preposterous this is, I promptly end.

Letters In the Moonlight of Taj MahalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora