Hearing this, you backed away and glare daggers at him who did not even give you a glance at all. "What?!" You shouted loudly.

"I said your breath stinks, idiot!" He yelled back the same volume as yours and now everyone is looking at the two of you. More specifically at you whose breath stinks according to someone. You feel yourself becoming insecure and embarrassed with what's happening.

Killua stepped back, turned around, and soon leaves without giving you an apology or even a glance at you which only worsen your mood further. You're not gonna lie, you feel offended and disappointed. Because for one, you expected to at least see Killua blush or see him flustered even if it's only slight. You're still a girl, right? He should have been but no, he didn't. All he did was shout that your breath stinks and left you here. Then second, disappointed for your first kiss. You expected it to be more of a breathtaking moment and not like this! You heaved out a sigh before going to your classroom and probably complain to Nia soon after.


Killua looked down as his bangs then covers his eyes. He casually put his hands into each side of his pockets while walking away from the witch aka you. When he's finally sure that he is no longer in your sight, he touched his lips as he recall what just happened with you and him. A tint of pink appearing on his pale white cheeks. "Was..that..a..kiss?"



"What are you? A turtle? Can't you walk any faster, slowpoke?"

You glared at Killua's back since he's walking ahead of you. "Shut up," you told him. "I'm already tired. Why is your house so far away.." You let out a groan and put the left out strands of your hair behind your ear. "At least try to slow down, you insanely fast as a lightning albino!"

Minutes passed by and you soon noticed him stopping in his tracks which also made you stop. Then he turned around, his blue eyes meeting your form. "What are you standing there for, idiot? Come on," he said gesturing for you to walk to him.

And you did. You walked up to Killua who scoffed when you are finally beside him.

Strangely enough, after that the silverette always managed to walk alongside you. Like even if you walk slower, he will slow down his pace too, and when you walk faster, he'll do the same. You don't know if it's just you or hw's really being considerate or sweet to you rather.



"Right.. I just remembered," Killua said out of the sudden making you look at him in confusion. "The bet you made.. The one who get to my house first will get chocolates from the loser."

"Yeah.. So?" You responded.

Killua pointed, "You're the loser."

"I'm not! I was the first one who went inside your house! You even opened the door for me!"

Killua let out a sigh. "But my foot stepped first in the house! And I didn't open the door for you, okay?! Idiot!" He growled.

His Diary | Killua ZoldyckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora