🌸should have kissed you longer🌸

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"Want to go on a date this evening?" His voice had a soft tone to it, it was a silky sound that never failed to soothe your senses, soothing and smooth like the petals of a rose. The question was short and had no elaboration, but that's how he did it, he knew that he would start sputtering nonsense if he let his tongue roll to say everything that he actually wanted to, but he didn't want to come off as weird and overwhelm you with his many words. Although he didn't show it, he had so much that he wanted to tell you, he didn't like to talk, but you, with you he felt like he would never be able to shut up if he ever was to start that kind of conversation. You woke up such an enormous amount of feelings within him that he sometimes still came to wonder how it was possible, that one single person could make him feel so many things at once.

Your lips curled into an unexpectedly bright smile and for a second Baekhyun felt like his feet were being lifted from the ground. His mouth was left agape at the beaming beauty in front of him, at that moment the first thing he did was connect you to flowers- sunflowers to be specific. He was sure, you were the brightest of them all. His heart swelled at the view of your glistening crescent moon and couldn't help but have his own lips lift into the boxy smile of his that you loved so much, with his pearly with teeth showing.

I'm so happy I could die. He thought.

"Yes! I want to go!" The enthusiasm seeping from your words gave him a sweet sensation and he nodded in approvement.

"Then I'll come to get you at seven, okay?" When you nodded he flashed another small smile and immediately left without another word. Happily, you stepped inside your house, already wondering what outfit would be the best for this occasion, simple maybe?

                                                                                          ♡    ♡   ♡

You had no idea whether the movie theatre being almost completely empty was a good thing or not, but Baekhyun also had an unreadable expression on his face which told you that he was probably thinking the same thing. It occurred to you that it wasn't an important detail so you decided to forget about it. 

Your thoughts wandered further to Baekhyun, and how different he looked this evening. Seeing him in clothes proper for school was one thing and you had never imagined that a casual thing as an outfit could make one look so distinct.

He looked taller, manlier but still gentle thanks to his soft features, you reasoned. Baekhyun's legs were hugged by a pair of light blue jeans and the outfit was completed by a pastel yellow sweater, the collar of a white shirt peeked neatly from the hem of the sweater. His ashy brown hair fell into waves on his forehead and it wasn't even fair to say that he looked perfect, he was much more than that, you could've sworn that his figure felt like a magnet to your eyes because your gaze would always end on him no matter how much you tried to stop yourself from being that way.

Once you had double checked the ticket the two of you started walking up the stairs to your assigned seats. The room was already dark and the commercials were being played on the big cinema screen before the movie itself. People in their seats were by now just dark silhouettes. The soft material of the chair sunk down under your weight as you carefully sat down and a relieved sigh heaved from your lips. Although it wasn't the first time that you and Baekhyun sat so close to each other, you couldn't help but feel extremely self-conscious. Millions of thoughts were running through your head and it was making you feel dizzy. Baekhyun wasn't doing anything and yet his sole presence was having such a strong impact on you all of sudden, how were you going to survive a whole movie when his shoulder was so tightly pressed against yours? When his fingers were dangerously close to yours, how were you going to calm down your furiously beating heart? The sound of it was so loud in your ears and you feared that the boy next to you could hear it crash against your ribs.

should have...➝bbhKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat