Chap 2

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Chapter 2: The Real Winner
I'm back! With a shorter update this time lol

Sorry to blast you guys with a massive spoiler, I had to put it so that the high school to college transition would still be the same with he manga's canon. But eh, I loved the series better when Saiki had his powers.

Soooooo yah. You'll see what I mean further into the chapter mehehehe

Hope you like it!

When Saiki Kusuo saw a certain black-haired beauty waving and walking towards him, he knew he was in deep trouble. It is the first day at college, and it just so happened that Teruhashi Kokomi is in the same university as him. Coincidence? Nope. It's because the girl in front of him is God's favorite girl and with Kokomi, everything she wishes, she gets.

Everything except a full "oh~" from Kusuo.

"Saiki-kun! I am so glad to see a familiar face in here. How was your summer vacation?"Kokomi greeted the pink-haired boy as sweetly as she could. There wasn't a uniform requirement in the university they were at, so she wore the trendiest clothes she has. Heads turned to her direction as she walked along the campus. Almost all of the male students within the vicinity fell heads over heels at the sight of Teruhashi Kokomi.

And as always, she expected Kusuo to shyly mutter an "oh~", but he also had his usual, deadpanned expression staring back at her.

"It was fine." Kusuo muttered.

Kokomi felt a huge boulder of disappointment fall on her head.

"Why do you have to be so stoic?"

Good grief. I bet she dressed up more than usual today. It is the first time we saw each other since summer vacation, and getting an "oh~" from me is probably in the top of her list right now.

"What course did you major in?" the girl asked, her composure intact and perfect, despite feeling disheartened.

"Psychology." he answered.

Since my powers were sealed, I couldn't read minds anymore. But with my background, reading people's facial expressions and body language is fairly easy for me. I could sharpen my skills there if I take up Psychology.

"Oh? That's quite interesting! So you want to be a doctor someday?"

"Why not."

Internally, Kokomi squirmed.

"Dammit, I'm trying to engage a conversation here! Why won't he ask me what I'm taking up? Is he really that shy? Or maybe he-"

Kokomi stopped her mental rant and sighed.

"Ugh, it doesn't matter. What's important is I know his major now, and maybe I can choose a schedule that could match with his." she proudly thought as she smiled once again at Kusuo.

"My brother said I should take up Theatre or just skip college and be an actress or a model. But I really want to be a pâtissière. Recently, I kind of took a liking in baking and making sweets." she said, slowly realizing something.

"Oh no! Saiki-kun might think that I chose that specific job because he likes sweets! Well, I did choose that because of him, but I don't want him to think that!"

"A-a-and I have no specific reason exactly why I want to be a pâtissière! I-I just like baking, that's all!"

Good grief.

Unconsciously, Kusuo smiled wryly as he stared at Kokomi who is struggling to come up with excuses. He might not be able to read minds anymore, but he was sure that she didn't mean to blurt out her future dream job out loud. Especially with the fact that she knows he loves sweets.

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