Chapter 1: King

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"Yo, what's good, King," Mel question's.

I look up from my whiskey cup, where I was nursing my Hennessy. Mel, Rocky, and PeeWee were all looking at me with angst. They awaited an answer. I sigh and think for another second before speaking. 

"Aight, we'll deal," I spoke with finality. After I put my mind to doing something, there was no backing out. 

"Hell yeah! We about to get the Benjamin's baby," PeeWee yells with excitement. Mel just nods and lets a smile cross her face, as she rubs her money hungry hands together. Rocky on the other hand, sits back and stares hard at me. 

"What's that look," I ask?

"You sure we can trust those Jamaicans, man," Rocky say rubbing his facial hair. I nod in understanding. That had been what I sat in thought about. Though my boys, The Cold Riderz, were notorious for killing and swinging, we were out numbered 4:1 by the Jamaicans. Our crew was small, and usually did big deals over periods of time. The longest we've ever gone without doing a job was three months. We were known for wildin'. Now, the Jamaicans wanted to work with us but permanently. 

We have never teamed up with any drug dealer for long term. We were hitmen and escorts, but now we're moving into new territory. Drug dealing was something I've done before but not Rocky or Mel. PeeWee and I had met in the pen, the first time I'd gone to jail. He was dealing like I was, trying to make a way when there was no way. I had just come of age too, and the system couldn't wait to take me in. 

"I'm not sure, but I know we have two choices. Join them and make ten times as much money as we're making now, or dead them niggas. These Jamaicans are saying that they're looking to expand out of just the South of Texas. They want the whole state, plus some more! And that'd mean money versus them hiring someone else to TRY to cap us. I know they know, some other drug lord will try to buy us out." 

"Shit let 'em! I ain't scared of them punks, and i sure as hell don't trust'em but," Rocky paused looking me square in the eyes, "I know you always got a plan, even for the unplanned. So I'm with Cold Riderz until the end," He finishes. He holds his fist out for dap, and i crack a smile. That's what made me, King. I wasn't the number one hit man in Texas for nothing. Both times i went to jail, my charges were minor drug charges. They'd never caught me with a body yet and I've killed over fifty people. I stopped counting after fifty...

I dapped Rocky off, knowing he was a true rider. He was my younger brother's best friend since the first grade. Those niggas were stealing Juicy Juice out the corner store together at six. He was like family except my family had dark brown skin, and Rocky was light skin. Dude, had cold black eyes, a bald head, and a beard. He stood about 5'11 and was slim but played ball and worked out with us, so he was no light weight.

PeeWee and Rocky were exact opposites though, so they got into it often. They'd always cut the bullshit and have each others back though, because that's how the Cold Riderz rolled. I'm surprised PeeWee hadn't said anything to Rocky about his outburst. Maybe he felt the same way. But as Rocky said, I have a plan in case things take a wrong turn. "Man we need to go out and celebrate," PeeWee says, jumping up with the bottle of Hen in one hand and a blunt in the other. 

I chuckled at the 5'9 party animal, whose temper made you think he was bipolar. He pushed his cap back and stood up on the chair. 

"We 'bout to be Bill Gates rich!"

"If you don't get your retarded ass off my shit...," the voice of my lovely wife rang out. Tiffany Amaia Black, my beautiful, 5'6 bronzed skin, high-school sweetheart. The moment i saw her in the Garden Trails, i knew i had to scoop her. Even with no make-up on she was the most beautiful black woman I'd ever laid eyes on. I looked up as she placed her hands on both my shoulders. 

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