The Truth

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Luca gets a ride from his sister every day before she goes to work at a coffee shop in the only shopping district Woodrow has. She decided to not go to college and go straight into working. It makes more sense to me why their dad puts so much pressure on Luca to be exceptional.

I turn to look in Luca's direction. He's been really quiet this morning. His sister tries to fill the silence with mindless chatter, but I can't pay attention.

Luca got out of the bed in the middle of the night. I could hear him yelling with his parents, but I couldn't make out the words. I imagine it must have been about him declining to play football. His dad probably didn't like his answer. Even as he got back into bed I could tell something was wrong. He didn't feel the same. He also put his hand around my stomach and pulled me in a little closer. He must have needed some sort of comfort after their conversation. I wonder why no matter how hard I try to push him away, he always comes back. It's like fate has put us together. So I guess I just decided to stop fighting it.

The silence also reminds me that I have been trying to not think about school. I turn away and lean my head against the window. Todd just ruins everything.

He had to go open his mouth and tell the whole school where my mom works and what she does. It's not like she wants to be a stripper. And it pisses me off that she has to do something she hates just to pay all my medical bills. Now every student can make fun of something that we don't have any control of. I feel my hands slowly form into fists. I really hate Todd. My mom must be so mad right now.

But Luca didn't run away. Maybe he just doesn't care about it all. He's above it. I bite my lip. Thinking about Luca just causes a storm in my head.

Walking into school feels different. The halls are all silent and I wonder if I've gone deaf too. I thought that the students would have a whole lot more to say. My stomach churns. I know something isn't right. Luca isn't saying anything either. My hand just numbly slides against the wall. As I enter the doorway I catch some suppressed laughter.

"Take that off right now!" Luca yells from behind me. His voice make me jump. I don't think I've ever heard him sound so filled with anger. He pushes past me, but I cling to his backpack to keep him from moving away.

"Calm down Luca." Amanda speaks up. I hate the way she says his name like she knows everything about him. It makes me sick. "It's just a joke on Finny." Her voice sounds a lot like splenda. Fake sweetness.

Luca tries to move again, but my hands pull him closer. I can feel my muscles cry out in pain from trying to restrain him.

"What's going on?" I ask even though I don't really want to know because whatever is causing Luca to act this way and Amanda to laugh like she is must be terrible.

He freezes. The class fills with laughter. It must be a hell of a joke.

"There's a video on the projector. Let me go Finnly I need to take it off." Luca's voice is rough as he pushes me off. I realize he was letting me hold on to him.

Amanda laughs. "What your boy toy means is that someone caught a really good show of your mom last night. I didn't know she was so skilled on the pole, so flexible."

In an instant I can feel the blood rush to my head. My heart pounding against my chest is the only sound I hear. The darkness seems overwhelming. I'm pissed off I can't take the video off myself. My hands curl into fists. I feel my fingernails dig into the skin of my palm.

"Shut the fuck up Amanda!" I yell causing the room to go silent. "Maybe you should start taking some lessons because once Todd gets tired of you, you don't really have a whole lot going on for you." I snap.

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