I could hear Peanuts heartbeat it was steady only occasionally it would speed up but that was when I felt Peanut move

Mama and Mama Sang stayed with me until Uncle Owen and Daddy Axel came in and wanted to talk with them
" Go ahead Mama I'll be here "

Closing my eyes wishing my husbands were here ,  I let some of the tears I was holding in down my cheeks
the nurse came in and she did a quick check at 3o mins and I hadn't changed and the pain in my back was there but not as painful , She then handed me tissues so I could wipe my tears and blow my Now stuffed up nose

Laying there listening to Peanuts heartbeat I dozed off in a light sleep
The door creaked as someone walked in but I didn't open my eyes

" Bambino "
I opened my eyes really quickly
" Morgan "
" Yes Bambino it's me "
" Where is Sammy and Mason "
" Right behind me "
The door opens again
" Sammy Mason " I all but yell

" Easy Jellybean "
" Mi Amor Bello calm down "

" I missed you three soo much "
" And we Missed you too Bambino "
" How are you feeling "
" Not as uncomfortable "
" Well that's good , I hear Peanuts heartbeat "

" Yes they have me hooked up to several monitors and have been giving me something to stop labor "

The door creaked again and it was Dr Oliver

" Harper lets get you checked and then discuss what I find "

He put the gloves on and lifted the cover up and checked me

" Well that's good news your labor has stop and your no longer dilated so we have stopped  labor but I will want you stay over night then for the next 19 weeks  I want you off your feet You are officially on Bed Rest now that means you are to do nothing at all but rest of after four weeks when you come back for your appointment we can discuss changes but for now rest and more rest , Boys she is going to be a pain in the ass about this but keep reminding her that she needs to rest until this baby is born , her blood pressure was up too high today too so she might have preeclampsia So bed rest is going to help with it and let me add that You can have Sex just make it less strenuous on her so you will have to come up with creative ways To do so  "

I let out a small giggle at the Because I saw their faces a when Dr Oliver said bed rest they were a disappointed but then when he said we could have sex that it just had to be Less stress on me they lit up like a Christmas tree

" I guess we are having a sleepover here at the hospital " Sammy says with a sweet smile

Mama and Papas and Daddies along with Uncle Sean, Owen and Mama Sang came in
" They put me on bed rest , stopped Labor and I have to stay the night then go home in the morning " I say

" Well that's good news Peanut my grandbaby needs to bake longer " Uncle Sean says with a laugh

" Have any of you thought of names you want Peanut to call you " I asked

" I kinda like Pop Pop or Paw Paw " Uncle Sean says

" I was leaning to Granddad " Papa Brandon says

" I know Silas is going with Pappous " Uncle Sean says

I yawned in the middle of the conversation
" Harper you getting tired " Papa Corey asked
" Yes and No I'm hungry and tired if that makes sense "

" Yes Baby It does I slept a lot with You and Brayden " Mama said

" And I slept a lot with the triplets and with Charlie " Sang says

A little while later they all left the guys walked them out while the Nurse helped me to the bathroom then I came back
Uncle Gabriel was here with a bag for me

" Thank goodness that little Peanut didn't come yet I'm not even ready yet "

" Neither am I " I say with a giggle

" Seriously Harper keep that baby in for awhile " Gabriel said

" I will I'm on bedrest for the next four weeks and then it will re-evaluate at that time "

" Well that kinda sucks but we will help you through it l

" I know "

Uncle Gabriel didn't stay long something to the effect of needed some Trouble time

Mason , Morgan and Sammy came back in
I was unhooked from all of the monitors but the heartbeat one and the IV , I would be unhooked from those in about 2 hrs if I continue to improve

" So My Bambino we come back to early to surprise you and you end up scaring the hell out of us " Morgan says as he points his finger at me

" Sorry " I say softly trying to keep the tears in

" Oh Bambino I'm just kiddo you please don't cry " he says as he pulls me into his arms hugging me tightly

" I know I'm just an emotional wreck right now "

" It's all okay Mi Amor Bello you are so allowed after the stressful time you have had "

" I hear you missed us a lot " Mason Asked

" Yes I did I slept in each one yours bed to be near you and Jacks or Grey did too trying to keep me company "

" Remind me to thank them for taking care of you " Morgan says
" Now lets get you fed and some rest " Mason says to me

Two hours later I was curled up in Morgan's arms falling asleep and was totally content
My men were home My Peanut is still baking
I'm one happy wife and soon to be mama

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