What she  found was a pair of fiery red eyes. It was clear that the Gumm-Gumm prince was trying to go unnoticed. Bagdwella couldn't help but chuckle. 


"Keep it."

His words were a deap growl.

"Thank you."

Bagdwella didn't know what else to say. Where had he gotten the sapphire? Why was he giving it to her?

All  she heard was another quiet growl  before complete silence.

"Chitta? Chit!"  Nolla had returned.

Bagdwella shook herself out of  her stupor and picked up her gnome, "It's lovely, isn't it? Whoever fixed it up sure put a lot of  work into it."

As she gathered her  bags and finds, Bagdwella found herself  asking a question she never thought she'd ask.

'Does Bular the Black fancy me?!'


"'Della? Can I ask you somthing?"  Lenora asked.

She, Barbara, and Bagdwella were gathered around Bagdwella's keep for a litttle girls's night. Walt and  Otto were more than capable of handling the whelps, no doubt's about that!

"Yes, Lenora?"

"Who are you seeing?"

"WHAT!" Bagdwella nearly dropped the rock cakes she was making, "What gave you the idea that I'm seeing anyone?"(4)

"You're making rock cakes," Barbara  began, "To many  for  you  alone and you know that we can't eat them. That, combined with the silly smile on your face and  the new  sapphire sphere, tipped  us off."

"You've been complaining that you never have time to harvest gemstones these days," Lenora added.

Bagdwella hung  her  head,  "Fine! Yes, the sapphire was a gift. And...it's...possible that he...fancys me..."

"OOOOO!  He may fancy her!"  Lenora teased.

"Come on," Barbara begged,"What's his name?"

Bagdwella could have sworn her heart stopped. There was no way she could tell her friends that she had seen (and survived  being seen  by) Bular the Black! Let alone that he may fancy her!

"Um! No! Um...a trolless has  to have some secrets to  herself  you know!"

"AW!" Lenora pouted.

"Please, 'Dwella? A least tell us if you like him  back?"

Bagdwella sat on the edge of  her nest  to think. Did she fancy Bular? Was it wrong if she did? Bular had killed  many Trollhunters and fleshbags alike. What was to stop  him  from killing her or using her to get to Trollmarket?

"I-I don't know," she finally decided, "I've only met him twice. He was a little rude both times  but... I don't know. He...What if he's a Gumm-Gumm? What if he's just using me to get to Trollmarket?"

Barbara and Lenora exchanged a look.

"I think both of our families are a testament that Gumm-Gumms can change," Lenora explained, "If he is a Gumm-Gumm."

"Of course,  we're not saying to just up and trust him without getting to know him first," Barbara  continued, "Why don't you try talking to  Blinky? He married a former Gumm-Gumm GENERAL! If anyone can help you with this, it'll be him."(5)

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