Bagdwella sighed  and slid down the dumpster untill she was sitting on the ground.

"Chitta?" Nolla put her hand against Bagdwella's  cheek.

"Th-that was...*groan*...I don't know. Let's just...hope it never happens again."



Bagdwella was unable  to get her encounter with Bular out of her head. It had been two weeks  and nothing had come of it. She had decided not to mention it to the  Trollhunter or any of his team bacause, well, nothing had actually happened. Bular hadn't done anything, just talk to her.

"Hello?" An  unfamiliar voice  broke into  her thoughts, "You're Bagdwella, right?"

Bagdwella turned and saw the wife of Stricklander's brother standing on  her shop. The woman looked a little nervous.

"Yes, I'm  Bagdwella," she smiled,  trying to put the woman at ease, "What can I help you with, Mrs...."

"S-Scaarbach," the woman squeeked, "Lenora Scaarbach. Ha."

"What's so funny?"

"Oh! I'm just...not quite used to the whole 'Mrs. Lenora Scaarbach' thing yet," Lenora blushed.

"Oh!  That's right! You haven't been married to him long, have you?"

"Nope," Lenora was beginning  to relax, "We got married last week. Um. Walt  mentioned that you  specialize in common but beautiful stones? Do you  have anything  pink? About this big?"

"Hmm...I believe I do!" Bagdwella  turned, "Nolla? Can you grab the Primrose Stone, please? It's on the top shelf.

"Chit!" The gnome scurried up the shelves to the ones Bagdwella was to short to reach.

"I-I thought trolls considered gnomes to be like rats?" Lenora mentioned.

"That's what Blinkus would have you fleshbags think," Bagdwella told her, "I believe a better comparison  would be cats.  Typically, I don't much care for gnomes myself.  But, Nolla and her family are a special case. Ah! Here you go!"

"Oh! It's perfect!" Lenora began digging around in her purse for her trade materials.

"If you don't mind me asking," Bagdwella set the stone on the table, "what do  you need it for?"

"Our new school musical," Lenora made the trade and put the primrose stone into her bag, "it's baced off  'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.  I'm  going to use the stone as the love potion."

"Love potion! I'm intrigued. If you can find a  way, I'd love to see this musical of yours!"

"I can have Walt or Barbara record it when they bring  the kids. Then you and I can rig something up down here so you can watch it!"

"I'd  love that! Thank you!"(3)


Bagdwella and Nolla were out scavenging, again. It had been some months since their encounter with Bular the Black and they had both all but forgotten it. Well, almost.

Bagdwella was kneeling in an alley, looking threw a pile of discarded fleshbag junk. Nolla had scurried off to investigate further down the alley. Suddenly, Bagdwella felt something bump into her foot. Thinking it was Nolla, Bagdwella was surprised to find a sapphire sitting  next to her foot. Ordinarily, it would have been somthing she could find in the caves. In it's raw state, anyway. This gem had been neatly polished and cut into a perfect sphere. Whoever had left it had certainly put a lot of  work into it. She looked around for the owner.

Changling Familiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن