Chapter 1: Starting Today, You're a Host! (Part 1)

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If I had to be honest, selling my soul to a club full of escorts was not how I expected my first day to go. But I guess I can't expect anything less when the only friend I have is Haruhi Fujioka, the honor student herself. Haruhi and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. There were many people that seemed to frown on our friendship. More specifically, my father's colleagues tended to question why he let his daughter be so close to a commoner. He would never respond with a straight answer and instead would change the subject and move everyone into the study where they would then discuss business and other things that came with running the biggest gaming company in Japan. Father never had a problem with Haruhi, and he refused to even mutter the word 'commoner' if her name was in the same sentence. He and I never did care about how 'poor' she was compared to other families that my father and I both knew. I can only imagine the surprise on all their faces when father told them about Haruhi's acceptance into Ouran, the most prestigious (and expensive) school in Japan. It was also a pleasant surprise to me when she told me herself that she would be attending the same school that I was tricked into going to.

It was my father's idea for me to go to Ouran, even though I never really was able to... connect to others my age and status. Something about blending in with the children who have parents with a high social standing be a good start when talking and interacting with future business partners when it's my time to lead the company. I would have been fine with going if every building on the grounds wasn't pink and the girl uniforms weren't so... let's call it 'colorful'. I mean, who's idea was it to make the girls uniforms canary yellow? Honestly, the guys had it better ten times over. And it is because of this distance for the girls uniform that I managed to convince father to let me to get the guys uniform. The only catch was-

"(Y/n)? When did you cut your hair?" I stopped my inner monologue and turned to face Haruhi. I gave her a once over and couldn't help but let a small smile cross my lips.

"I could ask you the same question, Haruhi. You know, you almost look like a boy with your hair that short." She rolled her eyes but smiled anyway at my teasing.

"It's not my fault, okay? Some kid got gum in my hair and it was just easier for me to cut it. Besides, It was easier then spending all that time just trying to get it out."

"And what's your excuse for that outfit?" That time, she gave me a hard glare. Her hair was messy and looked like she just got out of bed. It also didn't help that he was, for once, wearing his glasses and baggy clothes that only helped to prove my point that he looked like a boy.

"I lost my contacts okay!? Not to mention the ridiculous price for the uniforms!" Haruhi exclaimed, getting louder as the sentence went on and her annoyance increased. I laughed and wrapped my arm around her in a joking manner.

"C'mon Haruhi, I was just kidding around!" She shrugged my arm off and a spun around stopping in front of her. I raised my fist up into the air, "Let's get this exciting day over with!"

I could tell that she was not at all amused and grabbed the collar of my uniform, dragging me along with her as she just kept walking toward our class, 1A.

"Gah, Haruhi! Why do you always have to be so mean?"

.:Time Skip (TOTALLY NOT Because Author-kun Just Wants to Move on):.

The bell for class finally rang, letting everyone know that now was the time for club activities to start. I watched as a pair of twins walked out of the room first. I managed to lock eyes with one of them before they made a full exit, but I very well could have imagined it since I quickly got distracted by the stampede of girls who quickly followed the both of them out the door. I couldn't really understand what they were actually saying because of all the squealing, but I think that I could make out their names, Hikaru and Kaoru. I don't know why I was interested in the first place, but I just think that they might be apart of something important. Or maybe it's just in my head and I've been playing too many video games. Whatever the reason, Haruhi pulled me out of my thoughts when she placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" I nodded and smiled up at her. "Okay, well I'm going to go and find a place to study. Do you want to come with me?"

I stood up and followed her out of the classroom. I mean, I had nothing better to do, and I already know all of the material that we were being taught. Homeschooling works wonders.

Haruhi's P.O.V

After trying and failing to find a place to study, (Y/n) and I stopped at the library only to find out that it was crowded with students who where doing nothing but talking (very loudly) and just hanging around rather than doing what one would normally do in a library. Read and be silent. I sighed and closed the door, a little more disheartened. It felt like we were searching for a quiet room for hours at this point. I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"Hey, let's just keep looking okay? I'm sure we'll find something" (Y/n) assured me with an encouraging smile on her face. I merely nodded and grabbed onto my textbook a little harder.

We continued our search and walked up the stairs to the second story.

"This place has four library rooms, you'd think at least one of them would be quiet." I quietly stated the the girl next to me. She just took my free hand in hers and we continued to find a room. I briefly tugged on her hand, stopping at a large wind and watched a flock of white birds fly by. (Y/n) gently tugged at my had and we continued walking.

'How are things in Heaven, mom? I can't believe that it's been ten years already.'

"You know, I'm starting to think that rich kids only come to school to have a good time." I said, turning to look at the (h/c) next to me.

She smiled, "Now you know why I was home schooled."

We ended up coming to a stop at a room that had a sign reading 'Music Room #3' in white letters. On the outside, it looked like a normal abandoned music room. All in all, it seemed like the best place to study. It seemed that (Y/n) had the same idea as me.

"An abandoned music room," She looked at me and shot me a smile before she put a hand on the door handle and started to turn it. "Looks like it's the only place you can study in peace and quiet."

(Y/n) P.O.V

I slowly opened the door just enough for us to get a good peak inside. A bright white light covered my vision and rose petals blew out the door and into our faces. There was a silhouette of six boys in the light, making it hard to recognize any of their features from where we we


The light faded and that's when I realized.

When I opened the door, we found

The Host Club.

(To be continued...)

(A/N: Thank you for reading! Please leave some feedback and tell me if there's anything that you guys like or that I can improve on! please be nice with the criticism, this is my first fanfic that I've ever posted on Quotev or anywhere. Thank you all and tell me if you want me to continue with all the episodes!)

Level Up! (OHSHC Various x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora