Beach Party

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Souda eventually caught up with you. He walked around the island by your side. You would glance over, only to see him looking at you, but turning away once you'd look.

All the students all gathered back at the beach where you woke up. Usami, your teacher, has gathered you all for a beach party! You weren't sure what to think at first. After all, a strange rabbit gathered you all to swim.

You weren't sure if you wanted to. Souda kept insisting that you do. You said no so he just let you be.
"Fine, I won't force you too.." He sighs and gets swim trunks from Usami and goes to change along with some of the other guys. Some of the girls tried getting you to swim too. You smiled nervously and politely refused.

You sat alone in the sand, watching everyone else swim and play in the water, even building sand castles. "Hey, are you okay?" You hear a voice next to you. You turn your head, meeting eyes with a pair of olive ones.

This boy has pretty cute eyes. He has brown hair and a pointy ahoge on top of his head. He was wearing a white shirt with a green tie. "I'm Hajime Hinata," he smiles softly at you.

"(Y/N) (L/N)" you respond to him, smiling softly. He nods his head and looks out at everyone else before you both. He questions why you're alone, why you're not swimming. You simply shrug and laugh nervously.

"I'm not really into swimming.. I just feel nervous. This whole situation is quite... Odd" you say

"I understand, but maybe we should go out and swim maybe? Join in with everyone else?" He stand a up, offering his hand to you.

You look at his hand then back at him. You gently hold his hand as he pulls you up. You both go to Usami asking for swimsuits, walking away together

Kazuichi's P.O.V.
I was playing around in the water, trying to have fun and enjoy myself. I kept thinking about (Y/N), I thought taking time apart from her would help me calm down. I started to flirt with Miss Sonia, but she only seemed to be uncomfortable and annoyed. She is pretty and I want to get to know her, but she didn't seem happy with me at all.

I kept trying to flirt with her and swim, but my eyes went back to (Y/N). I felt my body freeze, my heart sinking. That boy from earlier, Hajime. He was with her. I kept my eyes on them. It seemed okay, but something tells me I can't trust him. I figured it out the second he stood up. He held her hand.

Sure, he was only helping her up but still...
She was MINE. No one else has to supposed to hold her hand but ME! Who does he think he is? I found myself staring them down, angry  I let at a low growl as they got their swim suits from Usami.

They soon came back to the beach. (Y/N) looked so cute... What a shame she just had to come back with Hajime. They both came to the water. I ran up to them both, grinning happily. "(Y/N)! I was gonna start a game of water tag with Ibuki! Want to join us?" My heart raced. I was this close to her again, but she's in a swimsuit!

She looked at Hajime and then back at me. "Alright, sure!" She responds. I hold her hand and bring her along with me. That damn Hajime went to follow us. He's really getting on my nerves...

Me, Hajime, Ibuki, (Y/N) and even Nagito started to play around in the water. It was fun. I loved hearing her laughs... they were even better than Miss Sonia's. I noticed Hajime and her having a splash battle. The thought of her having too much fun without me, it made me mad. I creeped up behind her, picking her up from behind. She lets out a squeak, I may have scared her. I held her close to me and spun her around in the water. She started to laugh, causing me to laugh as well. Holding her this close to me...

I could feel her skin on me...

This was amazing...

I want this...

I need this...

I need her...

I'll protect you...

I'll protect you...

I'll protect you...

I love you already...

My perfect moment with my princess was then interrupted by grey clouds. It was dark quick. I held (Y/N) close to me, unsure of what was going on. "Stay close, I'm here" I told her. She looked at me, confused. I can't tell if she's uncomfortable, but it didn't matter. I had to protect my girl.

Usami looked alarmed. Was this not planned. Before we knew it, we were all told to go to the statue in the middle of the island by some mysterious figure on the screen...

No matter what's going to happen... I'll watch over (Y/N)... even if it costs me my life...

I Think I Love You... (Yandere!Kazuichi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now