Calli: Brianna, you also have been receiving a lot of heat because of the relationship you had with Iman and how you had a baby with him after you knew he was married. What do you have to say about that?

Me: That whole relationship was over 9 years ago when I found out he was married. I was already pregnant when I found out.

Calli: There are some people who say that you should have aborted that baby.

Me: First of all, don't refer to my child as "that baby". Her name is Jalen. Second, people need to leave my daughter out of this. She is innocent. Just because me and her father had the issues we had, she didn't deserve to have a chance at life? She did. I would never abort my baby.

Calli: Ok. We have some questions that viewers have sent in. First one is for you, Aria. They ask, how do you feel about your husband having a baby with another woman?

Aria: The fact that he cheated and got Bri pregnant hurt me. But Jalen is innocent in all of this and so is Bri.

Calli: Next question is for Brianna. They asked, how do you feel about the comments that are being made towards your daughter, Jalen, on social media?

Me: I'm disgusted. My baby is only 9 years old. She should not be brought up by any one in this situation.

Calli: There are some people who want to know what you have to say to those who are making these comments about your daughter.

Me: Whoever wanna make nasty, negative ass comments on my page about my daughter better make sure to drop that addy at the end of it. Cause I'm pulling up on any and everybody period. They better make sure to keep that same energy that they got online in person too.

Calli: Are you saying that you'll resort to violence because people make comments that you don't agree with?

Me: Listen Calli. I'm saying that imma pull up on anybody that has something to say about my daughter. It ain't got nothing to do with me disagreeing with them. It got everything with them being disrespectful towards my child cause that shit dead.

Calli: Well here's one of the comments that said you should have just aborted Jalen because she is illegitimate and she will catch karma that is coming towards you for sleeping around with a married man.

Me: This is the last time I'm going to say this. When I found out Iman was married, I ended it with him. I would never abort my baby because she is innocent and had nothing to do with the situation going on with her parents. Next question.

I'm getting fucking heated right now.

This host don't know just how fucking lucky she is that security is here.

Calli: Arman, this next question is for you. They asked how do you feel about your wife dancing on social media?

Arman: I fully support my wife. She does what she loves to do and it makes her happy. As long as she's happy I'm happy.

Calli: We will take some questions from the audience now.

She got up and audience members started raising their hands to ask questions.

Calli went up to the first girl.

Calli: What's your name?

Her: Tye.

Callie: OK Tye, who do you have a question for?

Tye: Aria.

Calli nods and she asks her question.

Tye: How do you just accept your husbands side chick and her baby into your family like that? I couldn't do it. I wouldn't have anything to do with the baby let along her mother.

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