The Outlaw of Nieve

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The Outlaw of Nieve, World of Ice, sprinted as his cloak bellowed out around him.

Angry shouts surrounded him from every direction, from every face.

The Outlaw stood up straight up as he was cornered by the King of Nieve himself, and his Royal Guard. The Outlaw's ebony-colored skin contrasted greatly to the other citizens, who have silver skin with a pattern of faint blue circles. The Outlaw's hair was longer than standard for the people of Nieve; his hair went slightly below his ears, and was silver. His eyes were silver and purple, whereas, their eyes were a royal blue. Most people of Nieve have a circle on their foreheads about as large as a baseball that glows the same blue as the circles on their skin. The Outlaw's circle is luminous with a tint of purple, that confused and frightened the people of Nieve.

The Outlaw originally lived in Vena, the World of Poison, but nobody knew that. His world and everybody else along with it had been terminated. He was the only Vena descendant left.

The Outlaw was dressed in surprisingly lavish clothes; need I mention the cloak again? It helps him channel his abilities.

Citizens of Vena had once been brilliant, their World had floating cities and complex systems and hospitals. Vena people had the powers of poisoning(obviously), both good and bad. The good- to come up with cures for diseases or repair cells. The bad kind is palpable. They can also grow and bend and control plants, can communicate with a venomous race that looks somewhat similar to Earth's "tigers," except they are a faint purple and green, bigger, their fangs and claws are tipped with acid, and they have tall, thin, and curved ridges that run up and down their backs that resemble spikes. The name of these "tiger"-like species is Bezyx. They were peaceful unless threatened, which they almost never were.

Another race that lived on Vena were the Zaoch, snakelike beasts that were larger than the biggest Vena male, who was in turn as big as an average “human.” All three races lived together in peace. Now, they're all gone, with the exception of one who is not welcome on one other world.

The people of Nieve have obvious ice powers, and they also have healing powers. They live with a race of "birds," as Earthans call them, that are silver with the same blue dots on them as the skin on Nievans. They are simply called Fees.

Then there is the World of Fire, home to ignited beings called the Flame Beasts. They resemble "wolves" with long incisors, and flames instead of fur. They can shrink down to a single ember or as big as a raging forest fire. The World of Fire is called Adar and its inhabitants are orange-skinned, crimson-eyed, and they have the circle on their forehead, as well. It flickers orange, red, and black, looking like there is a small flame hovering on their faces. They possess fire powers and super-speed, and can replicate themselves.

Next is the Kingdom of Brilliance, the World of Light, Lumos. Among the people of Lumos live globes of floating lights called Glows. The people of Lumos have skin the color of the moon on a dark night, but impossibly brighter. Their eyes are white with swirls of an unidentifiable color. Most of them have hair so blonde, it's white. Lumos citizens are practically radiant and light up the area they're in. Their powers are unknown to the other Worlds, but there is speculations that one of the abilities is to be able to blind someone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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