The Night Of Chaos- VAR. 2

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Alright everyone! This is the beginning of the bad ending. I don't know what to say about it, so... have fun? :'D although that probably doesn't fit here... x


"Some may call it revenge, but I prefer to see it as justice... over single-minded scientists and corrupt politicians!
But enough explanations... let me show you!"

Reader's POV

No hesitation.
If I hesitated even longer, it would be too late.

I decided I first had to warn my mother- but I also had to warn the police, if my intuition didn't deceive me, Clive was soon going to attack London, and I was the only person who was able to save others if I acted quickly now.

It's all my fault, I thought.
If I had just been able to stop him...

But there was no time for regrets, I had to do something. Grabbing my trenchcoat, I made a decision and opened the front door of our apartment, looking back at it one last time.

Something tells me it's the last time I see it.

I quickly ran off, deciding to warn my mother first. My father had already died, I could never forgive myself if I would be the one carrying the responsibility for her death now too.
It was already dark outside as I left the apartment - the stars were shining in the grim, and uncomfortable feeling night through what looked like a veil of mist. Thin clouds were slowly rising by the half-moon- and the cold wind overcame me.

Was it a wrong decision to warn my mother first? No- why was I questioning this... right after warning her, I would have her escort me to Scotland Yard, warning them as soon as I could. Above all, I had to hurry up now.

After what seemed like an eternity, I finally reached my mother's house. I knocked at her door in a hurry but noticed that the door wasn't locked when I turned the knob.

"Mother! Mother, are you home?"

"Yes, dear!", I heard her call from the back.

Thank goodness!

"Mom", I warned as she approached me in surprise. "We have to leave now. London is under attack."

"What do you mean London is under attack?", she asked as all colour seemed to fade from her face.

"Please trust me, we don't have much time! I have to warn the police now, quickly!", I exclaimed as I turned around, facing the opened door.

"Honey, how do you know this?"

Turning around, I whispered to her.
"It's just... I can't stand to talk about why I know. But we really have to warn the police now. Please."

She nodded.


The horrible tension of that night just did not seem to leave. As we left my mother's house, I wondered which way we should take.
The long way would be a lot safer since it did not cross the area around Midland Road- the danger area- at all, but the shorter way would allow us to arrive at Scotland Yard so much earlier, and especially now, I could not lose any time at all.

It would be tonight- any minute now- Clive would start attacking London with that monstrous machine I had seen beneath the ground, in his copy of London, and there was nothing much I could do to stop it. The only thing I was able to do now was to warn the police and let them evacuate a large area around Baldwin to save as many people as possible.

Why was Clive acting like this? What was the sense behind attacking London?
I would have been able to comprehend it if he had wanted to get his revenge regarding the death of his parents caused by Bill Hawks, but then I would have expected him to kidnap or kill him and not involve the whole of London.
All of these actions led me to one conclusion- he must have lost his mind. That was the only logical explanation. The man I loved- that I so much had wanted to have a future with- had completely lost his mind.
What hurt me apart from the fright and anger about it all was that I had apparently not been able to change anything for him.

During all the time that I had been there for him, I had not been able to surpass the sadness he still felt about the death of his parents, and the anger he had felt towards Bill Hawks. All my love for him did not seem to have helped him at all- and that realization hurt me so much it was impossible to hold back all tears.

But now I would have to stay strong. I would have to save all those people who hadn't the faintest of the calamity that would soon fall over London. What would happen if I wasn't going to warn the police? Hundreds- no- rather thousands of people would die!

I started thinking about my life. My own life could end tonight. Since that sickness had befallen me as a child, I had learned to value my life so much. Not just my life itself- but also everything in it. More importantly, every person in it. And Clive had become the most important person in my life, even if to him, I had not been that much of a help. I remembered the time we were children and had first met each other- the way I had saved him. I remembered the time that we- as if through destiny- met again after all those years, brought together by our jobs to work on cases together. It all had seemed like a dream- we had gotten so far, we had even gotten engaged- and I had been the happiest person on the planet when I had thought about our future. The future that we might have had, which now seemed to be lost already.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

As I pulled out my pocket watch, I could see that it was nearly midnight. My mother and I were nearly there, we had just passed the main area of Baldwin. With that in mind, my pace seemed to get a little slower and relaxed, knowing that we must be out of danger and that everything would be safe soon.

I took three last steps before I heard a loud noise behind me.
When I turned around, my eyes widened as I could see all surrounding buildings detonate and before I could even internalise it, darkness overcame my eyes.

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