And so we meet again

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Evelyn's pov:
I never did see my mysterious boy the next day. Or for the whole week infact. My friends looked for him then and none of us saw him. I mean you couldn't miss the only American boy. I still remember everything about when I saw him. I was just a curious little kitten. Who was far to innocent for him...
11th January 2010. It was a Monday again and a week since I'd seem him. As much as I hate Monday's I love my lessons. I start of with English which is great. My teacher mentioned a seating plan though which I admit I am not to chuffed about. I was quite late so had I time to see my friends before lesson, which made me have a 'great' mood. I get to my class just in time and my love.y English teacher greeted me with a warm smile. "So class I have a searing plan which is shown on the projector. Don't moan about your sears as your here to learn not talk." I looked at my seat and I was at the back next to the window which I was happy about. I took my seat expecting no one next to me. "Oh nice of you to join us young man. Please take a seat at the back next to Evelyn." Hearing my teacher say that I rose my head immediately. Curious to see who'd be my partner for the year. I see the boy from last week walking over. Shivers ran free down my spine. He threw his bag on the floor and sat down with a sigh. I was getting my work started when I got s nudge. "Have you get me a pen to lend?" The boy questioned. "I have but in exchange for the pen I need to know your name." I smirked holding the pen in front of him. He rolled his eyes at first but then gave a almost impressed smirk. "Give me the pen first then I'll tell you." He said with a stare. "How do I know if I can trust you?" I giggled holding the pen away from his reach. "Well I'm not going to write a fake name on the front of my book." He smirked knowing I couldn't get out of this one. "Shit you got me." I handed over the pen and playfully rolled my eyes. "My name's Ricardo. Pleasure to not meet you by not having you on top of me Evelyn." He smiled stupidly. "Dickhead." I laughed and playfully pushed his shoulder. I wanted to literally scream, I had gotten so far with him in the space of about 15 minutes. I'd never been able to do this but I felt the connection straight away. Something I had never felt with anyone. I knew this year of English would certainly be eventful. I have to put up with him 4 times a week, which will be fun. I'm definitely excited. I couldn't wait to see if I had any more lessons with him. It came to break and I couldn't wait to tell the others about my news. "NICK, WILLOW! I have something so exciting to tell you." I said looking all flustered. "Tell us then you look like your going to explode." Nick laughed. "Well you remember mystery man. Well he's in my English and we sit on our own st the back together. He's called Ricardo and he's not as bad as I first thought." I said with my eyes lit up. "Evelyn on a serious note. I'm happy you have a crush and that you seem generally happy. But don't get your hopes up too high he could change in a heartbeat. And to be honest he looks like your typical man slag. I just don't wanna see you get hurt." Willow said empathetically. If I was honest to myself I could see completely where she was coming from. I have only spoke to the boy twice and in both those occasions he was completely different. But I couldn't just accept what she said. I was too curious to give up so quickly.
End of flashback.
I really do wish I'd listened to willow then. Oh my sweet willow, how I miss her. How I miss nick too. Reminiscing over these nicer times is hard sometimes. I love him so much. Everybody argues too much...

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