Chapter 9: Grand Inferno

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So many questions circled through Pan's mind. Who was this woman? Where did she even come from? How did she get those Senzu beans? How the hell does she know my name? What the hell is her problem?!

Pan shook her head, a growl escaping past her canines. The quarter Saiyan abruptly turned away from the masked woman, releasing a loud yell as a white aura exploded around her form, creating a brief gust of wind that blew smoke everywhere.

Pan glared at White Rose over her shoulder, who pointedly ignored her in favour of glaring at Lynx. Pan scoffed before blasting off into the sky in a streak of white.

"Pan Son."

The young teen abruptly stopped, looking down to stare at White Rose with a frown.

"We will meet again... soon," the masked hooded woman said, still glaring at Lynx who was smirking up at Pan, surprisingly not making a move to stop her. Something both Pan and White Rose noticed. "And when we do... I will kill you."

A thick scowl crossed Pan's face, her eyes wide with anger, making her look more like a Saiyan than ever. "Tch!"

It took all of her will power not to blast the woman, but she managed to do it. I've got no time for this!

With that Pan took off, blasting through the skies in a stream of white ki. Lynx watched as Pan flew further and further away until the quarter Saiyan was nothing more than a white speck in the sky. The female Neko smirked.

"Why didn't you stop her?"

Lynx turned her attention to the masked adversary standing opposite her, her pale blue eyes glinting with suspicion.

Lynx closed her eyes, chuckling as she pulled her powerful sword off her shoulders, flicking it outward. A gust of wind buffeted against White Rose, brushing against her hooded cloak.

"I guess you're right. I should have stopped her," Lynx replied, her smile widening viciously. She opened her vibrant vibrant eyes that shone with malicious intent. gold wisps of her aura began to roll off the powerful Neko.

Rose narrowed her eyes, her hands reaching back to grab the handles of her duel-blades, a tense frown on her face.

"That poor girl... she'll surely die now!"

. . . .

Smoke blew everywhere, cloaking the area in a thick blanket. Not a soul could be seen, the deafening silence nearly choking the area.

The smoke and debris began to clear to reveal the Prince of all Saiyans floating high in the air, a deep frown on his face as he stared down at the gradually clearing smoke.

A scowl stretched across Vegeta's face. What the hell was that girl thinking?! That blast nearly blew up the planet!

The smoke cleared to reveal Rin rising to a vertical base, resting her shotgun on her right shoulder. Her long black hair whipped around in the breeze as her icy blue eyes glared up into the smoke-filled sky.

The smoke cleared to reveal Clawness floating in the sky, her green eyes staring down at Rin with a glowing dark look in them.

The smoke slowly and finally cleared to reveal the massive crater that Rin now stood in. Neither of the Pallas cats were anywhere to be found, both completely annihilated by Rin's Kyringan. Not even Igne's hammer survived. Miraculously, Rin's motorbike survived the attack, a blue orb of defensive energy shining around it.

Clawness gently lowered herself into the crater, her large feathery tail flicking erratically behind her, never taking her green eyes off the black haired woman as she landed delicately on the rocky terrain.

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