'Good. Don't want you straying from me, do we now?' He passed on, telepathically.

'How are you talking to me?'

'Don't panic. It's a saiyan thing. I can explain later.'

Saladeu made his way to the pair. "Your highness, he bows before turning to (Y/N). "And you, mademoiselle. You are?"

"His babysitter and dance partner, against my free will and testament." She blankly replied, making the tutor recoil.

"Well then, we will start with the waltz!" He said, shaking off the energy he had felt prior. "Your highness, babysitter. Please make your way to the centre of the room."

The pair did as they were told, making their way to the centre of the ballroom.

"Your outfits are not decent enough for dancing. Your highness, take off the armour. Babysitter - Please go change." He pointed to two outfits hanging up. One was a massive puffy dress, another was a sleek dress made of satin.

"Thanks for the wide options. I guess I have no choice." She grumbled, grabbing the sleek dress, going behind a convenient screen.

Vegeta striped himself of his armour, leaving him in the battle leggings and a tight black t-shirt. (Y/N) came back out in the dress, the (f/c) fabric skimming over her figure. Vegeta almost started drooling at the site.

'Well, fuck me.' He thought to himself.

'Not just yet, thanks.' (Y/N) responded, giggling to herself, knowing Vegeta forgot.

"Stop dilly-dallying! Babysitter, rest your right hand on the prince's shoulder, and raise your left hand. Your highness, take her hand and rest your spare on her waist or hip, and pull her close."

Vegeta took no time to do that, pressing himself against her. "What a precarious position we seem to be in, (Y/N)."

"Oh indeed, my prince." She said with a giggle.

"Less flirting. More dancing!"

The music started playing from nowhere, Vegeta taking the lead, twirling (Y/N) around the room. Feet melded together as the lights began to swirl and fade into nothing. The only thing visible to (Y/N) was her partner.


And it was the same for Vegeta. Nothing mattered in that moment more than the girl— the woman in front of him.

His heart's desire was finally fulfilled, without even knowing it to be so.

He never wanted this dance to end. The way the world was just whisked away.

Nothing but.. her.

As the music slowed, so did their feet. When it had stopped, the pair's lips seemed to be only inches apart, Vegeta craving to taste them.

Not here.

Anywhere but here.

The public is here.

The scandalous rumours will swirl round, and cause them problems.

I can't do that to her.

So he didn't.

He stepped back from his partner, and looked at the tutor.

"Your highness, you show promise. As for Babysitter here, keep the dress. It works for you. Bring her more — you fit well." Saladeu bowed and left the ballroom as the lesson had ended.

"Well, that was close." Vegeta said, wiping his forehead.

(Y/N) was just going gaga staring at Vegeta in that shirt. "You're so hot... how are you dating me..." she mumbled to herself, making Vegeta laugh.

A Certain Type of Saiyan; Vegeta x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now