"My Very Best Friend"

Start from the beginning

Lillyan: Ah, you're finally awake.

Homura: Where... am I?...

Kyubey: Our universe is in the process of reordering itself based on Madoka's new laws of reality.

Lillyan: That reminds me, there's still one last thing we have to do. Homura, would you like to see how the existence known as Kaname Madoka meets her ultimate end?

*I use my Soul Gem to take us back to the fundamentals of the Puella Magi universe*

Lillyan: See that shooting star? That's the Soul Gem her wish created.

Kyubey: The wish she made carries a heavy burden. Imagine all the curses she'll have to take on now. With all the hope she's harnessing, she's creating a new universe, but that means her eventual despair will be so great that it will destroy another universe.

*the giant Soul Gem shatters, unleashing the air balloon doll of all Magical Girls' griefs*

Lillyan: But she wished for the power to erase all Witches. That awakened her spirit of rebellion- her Persona, Kriemhild Gretchen.

Madoka: That's right.

*Madoka transforms into her Ultimate alter ego*

Madoka: So, if my wish really came true, then even I...

*Ultimate Madoka readies her bow*

Madoka: Don't have a thing to worry about, EVER!

*Madoka fires at the Witch, destroying it and causing a paradox*

Kyubey: Madoka. Because of your wish, your life has no beginning or end anymore. The proof of your life on Earth is gone. The memories people had of you don't exist. You've crossed over onto a higher plane. Your physical body is no more. You are now a concept. No one will ever sense your presence again, and you'll never be able to interact with anyone. You are no longer a part of this universe.

Gretchen: You're wrong!

*Kriemhild Gretchen appears, taking the form of Ultimate Madoka*

Gretchen: I told her I would take that burden! She made a contract with me! I am the one who will endure the fate worse than death!

*Gretchen and Madoka embrace Homura and Kyubey*

Madoka: I don't want to leave you behind, Homura. You truly are my very best friend. If you try and rewind time again right now, I won't have to fade away.

Gretchen: And you, Incubator. If you were more like us, you would understand further...

*Gretchen takes control of Homura's Time Shield, resetting the timeline and sending everyone to a new universe without Witches where Madoka still exists. Gretchen has also reshaped Madoka's memories so that when she meets Kyubey in the new timeline, she will make a wish that will change destiny, just as he promised in her dream- Kyubey's destiny*

Kyubey: I suppose the system you just described could work. Theoretically, at least.

Lillyan: It was real. Nothing theoretical about it.

*I toss a Grief Seed over my shoulder to Kyubey*

Lillyan: And you regretted every second of it.

Kyubey: Really?

Lillyan: I can only imagine how it went. Everything I saw came to pass, except that Homura let Madoka make a Contract to help stop Walpurgisnacht. And then, you came and made a Contract with me, and everything went like we said. You really don't remember?

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