"Miracles Are Real"

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A few days later...

Lillyan: Oh, he posted a new video... *thinking back on Mami; begins crying* That's wonderful... I'm alive, and he's doing what he does... That's great...


*Madoka, Hitomi, Sayaka, and I are walking to school together with Kyubey trailing behind us; Sayaka is gossiping about an encounter she had with an extracurricular classmate the day before*

Madoka: {Sayaka, Lillyan, we need to talk...}

Sayaka: {Sorry, not now... We'll talk later...}

Lillyan: {Yeah... Sorry, kid...}


Madoka: It sort of feels like we're in another country, doesn't it? Even though everything's the same. Our school, our class, Hitomi, nothing's changed. But I feel like I'm surrounded by strangers.

Lillyan: (I feel the same way, but about something completely different...)

Sayaka: No one else knows, that's why. No one else knows about Witches, or about what happened to Mami. It's like everyone else is living in a completely different world than us. Everything changed a long time ago, didn't it? We should've figured that out sooner, don't you think?...

Lillyan: What happened with you and Kyousuke yesterday?

Sayaka: He broke the CD I gave him and cut his hand with it; said he couldn't even feel the pain. The worst part was when he said he'd never be able to use it again, "unless magic and miracles suddenly become real".

Lillyan: But they are! Miracles, magic, it's all real! You have to believe in it! Miracles are real!

Sayaka: That's what I told him, exactly the same way, too. And then, Kyubey showed up outside the window. I think that means I'll have to make a contract, soon.

Lillyan: Hey, don't push yourself. The sooner you become a Magical Girl, the better, but you don't have to right this second. Just, give yourself a bit more time, okay?


Later that night...

Madoka: When I was talking with Homura after school today, it felt like we could be friends. Why didn't she and Mami get along?

Lillyan: Well, Homura has a weird dream, just like anybody else. I think it would be best if you heard it—

*I spot Hitomi out of the corner of my eye, marked with a Witch's Kiss*

Lillyan: --from... her...

Madoka: What's wrong?

Lillyan: Hitomi's probably on her way into one of Elly's traps. We're gonna follow her there, so stay with me and keep quiet, got it?

Madoka: Right.

*we follow Hitomi and countless others to an abandoned building, where Elly has likely planted her Labyrinth; a man pours the contents of two similar-looking bottles into a bucket*

Madoka: (Mom told me not to mix those chemicals!) No, stop... Don't do that!

*Madoka tries to run in, but is stopped by Hitomi*

Hitomi: It is important that you do not disrupt the ceremony. Soon, we shall be rid of these bodies that hold us back...

Lillyan: (Held back? Is that what's happening?... Is that why I can't transform and fight?...)

*Madoka and I are sucked into Elly's Labyrinth; she shows Madoka her memories of Mami, but shows me a familiar video that scares me every time*

Elly: But the most common thing that was asked of me, why do I wear a mask? That is  a good question. Why do I wear a mask? I'll tell you why. *chuckle* Same reason you're wearing one...

Lillyan: But I'm not—

Elly: Now, I know what you're thinking. "I'm not wearing a mask!"

Lillyan: And I mean that!

Elly: Have you looked at yourself lately? You're clearly in denial. Or maybe, you just simply don't know. Because your mask, it looks just like... YOUR FACE! But doesn't that mean that what you're trying to hide is now what you are?


*streaks of blue light slash through Elly's Familiars. Sayaka appears and defeats the Witch, releasing Madoka and I from her Labyrinth and everyone else from her control*

Lillyan: Thanks, Sayaka. Pretty good, for your first time out.

Sayaka: *giggles* Don't mention it. Speaking of that, why weren't you fighting off that Witch?

Lillyan: I would've if I could've. Stupid thing scared the daylights out of my and I couldn't do anything.

*Homura appears, glaring at Sayaka*

Homura: How could you!...

Lillyan: Homura, calm down. I promise I'll look out for her.

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