Who are you?

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Recap: you opened the door and saw ?????

?: Hi, I'm Alex I'm new around here I just moved here I am your neighbor. Anyways, blah blah blah blah

-You got distracted about how cute he was-
Alex: So do you?
y/n: huh? what? My name is y/n..just so you know..
Alex: I said do you go to Bayside High School?
y/n: oH yeah i'm a sophomore this year.
Alex: oh me too but i'm new to the school
y/n: maybe i could show you around in 2 days :)
Alex: yeah maybe your could :) oH shOoT it's in 2 days?!
y/n uhh yeah school starts on August 14 it's august 12 today.. What you didn't know?
Alex: nO my parents didn't tell me! i haven't even gone shopping!?
y/n: you know you could come shopping with me and my mom we're going at 4 PM she comes home around 3 PM from work :)
Alex: Really?! Thanks. So, that will be in 6 hours?! but i like hanging out with you even though we just met you seem like a nice person :)
y/n: aww thanks let me give you my number so you text me when you are here agAiN hehe

-you guys have eachother your phone numbers and he left your house with a hug-

Alex pov
She seems nice and pretty cute.. wait no i can't like her what if she doesn't like me back? whatever i'm already at my house 😂
End of Alex pov

y/n pov
Honestly he's so cute and we're gonna be going shopping today together wow wait what if we end up dating? oh.. well i mean that would be no i can't remember what happen last time y/n he didn't like me back and he kissed another girl in my face and told me that i'm ugly and no one would ever want me.. till this day that still broke my heart.. well this time it could be different!
End of y/n pov

-3:30- your mom texts you ⬇️
y/m: sorry hun couldn't make it but you can call a uber to get your outfits i'll be home next week sorry i really wish i could be by your side but something came up at work.. love you hun
y/n: it's okay mom love you too!

-you heard a knock on the door, you opened the door-
y/n hello?
-no one was there-
?: hey what's up? -they said right behind you-
y/n: oMg you scared the hell out of me!

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