" Unless you are my husbands I'm not sleeping" I say

" You miss them don't you "

" Yes I do so does Peanut " I say as I rub my belly which has gotten bigger ,  I can't see my feet anymore

" Well you two only have a few days to wait so why don't you eat your breakfast then go lay down in one of the guys room I'll be in a few "

"Fine "

I ate my omelet and put my plate in the sink then headed to my room I climbed in Sammy's bed. His scent invaded my nose , Peanut seemed to calm down
Closing my eyes letting myself relax

Feeling the bed shift , Grey
" My Little Harper and  Little Peanut Both of you need sleep " Grey says as he rubs circles on my belly
" Grey "
" Yes Sweetie "
" I miss them "
" I know you do and they will be home soon so sleep now I'll lay with you "
" Thank you Grey "
" You are welcome sweetie "

Laying there falling asleep I heard Grey talking to my belly and then I heard him talking To Jacks I let the sleep in

Waking up several hours later i heard the clicking of some one typing away on a computer I cracked one eye open to see Jacks laying on the bed with me
Peanut took this opportunity to kick down and I winced bringing my legs up

" Harper you Okay "
" Yeah Peanut kicked down it felt like their foot went through my crotch it's not a pleasant feeling " I say
Jacks puts his hand on my belly
" Peanut knock it off stop hurting your mama "
Peanut does a full body roll making my belly move with them

" Ha I think Peanut just said F You Uncle Jacks " I say to him giggling

" Oh Peanut did then I won't let Mama have any lunch then " Jacks say with his own laugh
God he sounds just like Papa Brandon

" You sound just like Papa Brandon when you laugh " I say

" Well speaking of Papa He wants you to come over today and hang out there while I head to a meeting this afternoon so let's get you fed I need to leave by 2 my meeting is at 3:30"

" You can leave me here I promise to behave " I say

" Nope now lets get moving " Jacks says

I roll out of bed and go to the kitchen and fix us some chicken quesadillas using the Cajun chicken , I noticed my cake was put up but not iced yet I needed to make up the icing I was going to make a pecan and coconut icing for it

We ate and I went and showered got dressed headed to My Parents house

I was greeted by Delaney and Dawson first they of course rubbed my belly and then kissed it

Papa Marc and Papa Brandon Both were in the kitchen when I came in

"Well don't you look beautiful " Papa Marc says
"Thank you Papa but I don't feel beautiful "
" You sound tired" Papa Brandon said
" She is , She didn't sleep last night she's gotten a couple of hours of sleep "

" Why Harper " Papa Marc Asked
" I'm missing the guys and I couldn't sleep "
" Oh baby girl you need your sleep that little one will be one keeping you up after they are born sleep now " Papa Brandon said with a smile

" I know but it's hard to"

" Well what did you cook " Papa Marc Asked

I grinned he knows me so well

" Two chickens one lemon pepper and one Cajun style, a three layer cake "

" Mmmm sounds good to me "

" It was Papa Marc we had some of the Cajun style in a quesadilla for lunch " Jacks tells them

" Well Harper I need to get to my meeting you behave and stay out of trouble , One of us will be by to get you this evening "

" Y'all all staying again tonight "

" Yep I told Morgan I would keep you out of trouble so that's what I am doing " Jacks says with a smile

" Ugh y'all are no fun " I say with a laugh

Jacks left and I was told to go to the living room or up to the media room to relax I picked the media room to watch movies. Joining me , Makayla and Makenna , Delaney and Dawson we ended up watching some movie well they did I fell asleep

The Blending of The Blackbourne and Toma Teams ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now