Chapter 3: Hunter Gathering

Start from the beginning

"Man, people have become so demanding these days. I just went to five clients, each asking for your help, to get rid of those demons" He said frustrated.

"Well you can't blame them, the demon have been attacking out of nowhere. No doubt they would call for my help but I'm not interested." I said wearing my black shirt and glove on.

"Well you don't worry about that, Lady and Trish had done the job and they are on their way here" he said blowing smoke.

"Huh? Why are they coming here?" I asked sitting on my desk.

"Well that where I come in" He said standing up. "I have a job for you, well actually for five of hunter." He said.

"Five of us?" I said confused.

"Lady, Trish, Lucia, Nero and you" He said calmly.

"Morrison what's going on?" I asked staring at him.

"I think we should be asking the question here" A woman spoke.

Morrison and I turned our attention at the door. Lady and Trish were standing by it but I could see Nero and Lucia at the back.

"Well I see you got my message" Morrison said gratified.

"Yeah we did but what we want to know is why all four of us were call here?" Trish said annoyed.

"Calm down, I will explain everything but right now make yourself comfortable" Morrison said gesturing them inside.

Lady walked over the pool table near the couch, Trish sat on the office table while Nero and Lucia sat on the couch. I observe my follow hunter.

Lady hasn't change a bit. She is the same as I saw last time. Same dark chin length hair on both side of her face and has fringe that reach her eyebrows with her one pink and one cerulean eyes. She wearing her schoolgirl outfit. Wearing a white shirt and purple skirt where all her gun ammunition is hanging by a belt with combat brown boot. Lady and I didn't start off good. Her angry and hatred toward her father for killing her mother and becoming a demon himself made her believe that all demon are evil and should be destroyed. But after incident with my brother Vergil and seeing me shed tear for his death, she change her mind saying that human are equally evil as demon and there are demon that are kind and compassionate like human. She is only among us that is human but don't judge her for that as she know how kick ass with her gun and especially her rocket launcher, Kalina Ann. At first I had huge debt from her but finally I was able to pay all back.

Trish aka the lightning demon. She was split image of my descend mother Eva, created my Mundus to destroy me. Even though she betrayed me, I still saved her life. I couldn't see her die like my mother. After telling her my reason of saving her, she develop emotion toward me and maybe that the reason she sacrificed her life to save me when Mundus was about kill me. Somehow she survived and with her help I was able to defeat Mundus and sent him back to hell. After that she started working with me but sometime later she left, wanting to work alone even though she does ask for my help. She is wearing a black shirt over a black jacket, black jean and high heel. Her long blonde hair and blue eye are the same. Her weapons of choice are guns, Luca and Ombra along her ability to shoot with lightning, sometime I let her use my father sword, the forge edge, she currently in possession of it.

Nero, like me is hunter who uses to work for the order of sword until we discovered their plot against the human world. With my help, he was able to bring the order down and save his girlfriend. He wears a long, black-purple and red coat with The Order of the Sword's insignia sewn into both shoulders. He also wears a red zip-up hoodie/vest underneath this coat, a navy muscle-shirt beneath that, and a pair of dark blue pants.

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