Voldermorts bella Twilight and harry potter

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But right now she was standing off to the side as she was told to do and watching in complete awe at her dark lord showing his power against the bastard Dumbledore. Finally he was able to reach Potter and invaded his mind, gathering all the information in it.

Bella looked over when she heard noise and saw the Order as well as the Auror's coming.

"My lord. The Auror's." Bella yelled just as he was flung out of Potter's mind.

Bellatrix apperated out before they could grab her and Bella went to the dark lord's side, shielding him with her body as they threw stunners at him.

"Go my lord. Get to safety." Bella told him throwing him her wand so the ministry couldn't have it, just as she was hit with their spells. The dark lord screamed in rage, blowing everyone back, before he apperated out, leaving Bella behind.

"I will come for you Bella." he whispered in her mind before he was gone. He had no choice but to leave her. She had taken the spells for him to give him enough time to escape. Proving again her loyalty to him and he would get her back if he had to kill everyone to do it. Bella was his and he wanted her back.

Bella groaned as the Auror's bound her and revived her. The other death eaters had already been taken to Azkaban but Dumbledore knew that Bella was special. She arrived with the dark lord and they could see how pissed he was when he had to leave her there. She may have information they could use.

"Minister. Give me a chance to convert this child. She is young and may be able to be saved." Dumbledore pleaded with him. He didn't want her in Azkaban with the other death eaters. He had faith he could save Bella. Little did he know that would never happen.

"Alright Albus but your responsible for her." Fudge said and Dumbledore nodded before grabbing her bound form and apperating to head quarters with her as the other order members did the same for Potter and his friends so they could be healed.

At headquarters the Cullen's were waiting for information of how everything went. It had been almost a year since they left Bella and they were all sad about this but Edward thought it was best and Dumbledore needed there help.

Pops in the entry way alerted them that everyone was back and they ran to see what had happened. When they got there everyone went into the large library where Dumbledore had dragged a tied up body in there. They gasp when they saw who it was.

"Bella." all 7 Cullen's said but Dumbledore shushed them. Bella hadn't seen them yet as she was too busy struggling to get out of Dumbledore's grasp.

"Get your filthy fucking hands off me." Bella snarled out just as Dumbledore dropped her into a chair and tied her to it.

"You need to calm down Bella." Dumbledore told her as everyone watched.

"I didn't give you permission to use my name you old bastard." Bella spat in his face and he just frowned in sadness. The Cullen's were standing to the back, gapping at the change in there sweet Bella and didn't know what to think. They had no idea what was going on, but they stay silent just as Dumbledore told them to.

Bella was silent as she looked at everyone. Potter and his friends were being healed and watching in fear as she glared at them, Sirius was pacing, the others were just standing around watching.

Then she caught site of the Cullen's and groaned. She didn't know they were here and didn't want to deal with them at all.

"Why have you brought me here and not taken me to Azkaban, old man." Bella hissed at him.

"Albus what's going on." Carlisle asks him and Dumbledore turned towards the room.

"I convinced Fudge to let me bring her here to try and get her to change sides and see if she will give up information." Dumbledore said and Bella snorted.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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Voldermorts bella Twilight and harry potterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz