Chapter 3: A hero come back

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Mebuki POV

I saw as my daughter brought his sick boyfriend to our house. She gave me the medicine for Naruto.

"Take care of him" my daughter said "please"

"Don't worry" I said "I will looked after your boyfriend, I will make sure of it". She blushed.

"Thank you" Sakura said as exit the room. I run to the kitchen and put ice on water and a towel. I grabbed it and put it on his forehead, he had a high fever. After a few hours, the fever have come down  but it Naruto was still suffering. He hold his chest om pain almost every two hours. I hope nothing happens until you wake up, because your our most powerful young shinobi and your like a son to us and Sakura loves you too much. As keep the fever on check and cleaning his sweat, Naruto open just eyes.

"Hello Mebuki-san" Naruto said

"Naruto-san" I said "I am glad your awake but you have a high fever and I need you to rest, okay?"

"Okay" he said "thanks". He then fall sleep.

Six hours later

Naruto POV

"Kid, the village is under attack" Kurama said as he woke up ftom his long forced nap  "we are cured, time to wake up, my friend". I open my eyes and slowly stood up. I took a scroll from my room and opened and a worned white jacket appeared. It was my father's jacket, the kne he use when he was hokage. I put it on and then open the window, just when Mebuki Haruno opened the door.

"Minato????" she said when she looked at me "is that you?!". I turned around and when she saw me she smiled "go be a hero" she said to me. I nodded and jumped disappearing in a yellow flash.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2019 ⏰

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