Let's Meet Shiori

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Name: Igurashi Shiori

Age: 16

Hair: Long orange with messy bangs.

Eyes: Forest green

(the picture a over is near perfect so just the eye color is different)

Favourite Snack: Mochi (any flavours, though coconut seems to be on top)

Family: Igurashi Ayane (Mother)
              Igurashi Mamoru (Father)

Personality : She is a sweet quiet girl who trys to steer clear of loud crowded places, but if she finds herself in such a situation she usually ends up attracting attention for being 'super cute' (not Teruhashi level but a fair amount) when bombarded with lots of people and/or noise she has a habit of running away and hiding in small places until she can talk herself down. She sometimes wishes that wasn't the case and that she could make a lot of friends (let's see what PK has in store for you)

Bio: The daughter of hard working business owners who are constantly travelling, so Shiori is mostly at home alone. She knows her parents love her very much and they send her more than enough money but they are very much the worrying type of parents who have a 6th sense for when something is wrong and the would drop everything to rush home so she tries not to worry them.
As Kusuo's  childhood friend she knew about his psychic powers but would never dare tell anyone, they spent a lot of time together and when Kusuo moved away Shiori was heartbroken and made little effort to make any new friends.

Powers: When Shiori was 7 (1 year after Kusuo moves) she discovered she could talk to animals which she told her parents and they took it in their stride (yeah right, they cried for a week thinking she had a head injury)

There we go, just a little more info on Shiori to prevent too much explaining in one big clump it'll now just be things like mini flashbacks and Shiori explaining things herself (mostly... maybe) I dunno we'll see how this goes. I have a few scenarios I want to get out my head but I think I'll get stuck in to this story tomorrow.

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