New school

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As I laid there I came to the startling realization that I was hungry. I got out of bed and walked to my kitchen. I noticed that my mom went grocery shopping. Thank god. I picked up my favorite pretzel chips and headed back up to my room. I laid back down and decide to go on vine. I stalked lele ponds because she is queen. I guess I lost track of time because my phone died I noticed my bag was empty. I threw the bag on the floor and decided that it would be a good idea to go to bed because tomorrow I would start my new school. Yay (note the sarcasm). I got out of my bed and headed to the bathroom and wiped off my makeup. When I was done with that I walked towards my closet and picked out my booty shorts and a random tank top. I put my hair in a messy bun and crawled into my bed. After I got comfy I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.


I woke up to the blaring sound of my alarm clock. I swear I need to get a new one. I climbed out of my warm cacoon and walked into my closet. After 10 minutes of searching, I decided on my faded high waisted shorts and my tie-die crop top. I then slipped on my red vans. I decided to wear my belly button ring today. After I was finished getting dressed, I walked to my bathroom and applied my make up. I thought it wouldn't hurt to apply a little bit more than I usually do. I applied a grayish color to my eyelids and my mascara but only on the ends. I finished my eyes off with a winged effect with my eyeliner. I also applied my light pink blush and eos. Once I was finished I headed down to the kitchen and made myself toast with Nutella because Nutella is life. I heard Jamie and Danny arguing so I took that as my que to leave. I made my way to the garage and got into my red Lamborghini. Hey, I never said I wasn't a little spoiled. In no time I was at the new place I would call hell As soon as I got out of my car I noticed all eyes were on me, hehe. I walked to the office and saw an old lady who looked like she hated her job.

"I need my schedule." I said with no emotion

"Name" she said in the same tone that I used

"Tori Stewart, do you need me to spell that out to you?" I said taunting her. She didn't respond, she only slammed a piece if paper which I assume was my schedule, on the table. I picked up the paper and glared at the lady.

"Thanks." I said with narrowed eyes. I headed out to my first period class, which was French. As I walked in I found the perfect seat, but it was taken. I can fix that. I walked up to the desk and stared at the guy with a blank expression.

"Move" I said annoyed

"Now why would I do that?" he asked amused

"Because if you don't I will hurt you"

"Haha, like you cou-" before he could finish I grabbed his arm and twisted it. I twisted his arm enough to hurt like a bitch but not to break it.

"God damn! Alright fine!" He yelled while grabbing his arm. That's right. I sat down and put my feet up on the desk. Everybody was still staring at me. Alright I'm done with this.

"What do you want!?" I yelled. Once that left my mouth everybody automatically turned their heads. Thank god. I didn't really listen in class because I lost interest, so I got on my phone and went on Instagram. Finally the bell rang. Yass. I walked to my second period class which was science. When I walked in the teacher told me to sit by Matthew Espinosa? Ya first day and I already know everybody's name. I looked at the teacher with a blank expression. She sighed and led me to my seat. I sat down and went back on Instagram because today I just didn't give a fuck. Around the end of the lesson I looked at the boy next to me for the first time. As soon as I looked at him I only saw perfection. He had perfectly quiffed up dirty blonde hair, pink plump lips, and gorgeous hazel eyes that, if I was a normal girl, could make me melt. The bell took me out from my trance. I stood up and walked out. The rest of the day the only thing on my mind was that Matthew guy.

*End of day*

Finally, this day is over! I walked out to the parking lot and hopped into my car. I tried to get home as fast as I could, because I was tired. When I got home I ransacked the kitchen for snacks, and ran upstairs to my room. I decided to go on my balcony and relax. I opened up the door and sat on the edge. I thought about a lot of things, but mostly that matt boy. God I'm getting soft. As I was thinking I heard the neighbors door open. I snapped my attention to the noise and noticed a boy exit the now opened door. I took a closer look and noticed that it was the same boy that was in my science class. Oh boy


Thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long to update, a lot has been going on. Tell me what you think so far, or if you guys even like the story. Bye my furry little man peaches!

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