Everyones pov

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Johnny: I need to write a new song
He works in the studio all day and night and he finally comes up with a. Song
-Thinking about you
Oh my god did I write this song about y/n. No I didn't. I'm sure it's a bout kenzie
Why am I overthinking. God.
Y/n... such a beautiful name and obviously she has really pretty hair as well and her eyes are gorgeous
Your POV
Corbyn is actually really sweet and nice. Maybe I am ready for a new boyfriend...
Corbyn PoV
I'm gonna ask out y/n. I feel like she's ready. Or she's giving me mixed signals..
Kenzie pov
I'm finally dating John and he told me he wrote a song about me. Yay
Lauren PoV
I miss Johnny and y/n dating. I'm gonna get them back together. Hehe
Daniels PoV(Corbyn friend)
I think corbyns gonna ask out y/n. As long as I have chicken I don't really care lol
Jack PoV (corbyns friend)
Where's Zach
Zachs PoV (Corbyn friend)
I need to hide from jack
Jonah PoV (corbyns friend)
I need coffee now

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