Black Cat 17 (Language)

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It was the 'yes, but' thought that got to me. I considered lying to her; 'no, I haven't fucked in a year'. But between who I was and who she had been so far, I simply could not, not tell her the truth. Lying to a whore bothered me!

Admitting to myself what she was, wasn't the surprise. What blew me away was that I thought no less of her, admired her in many ways, and was totally OK with who and what she was ... Or at least what I had seen of her so far.

"Only for quickies. Never with anyone that wanted to, or would, take the time to do more than get me off. ... Well, with the exception of one girl and she couldn't spend much time and I had to pay for the time she did spend with me." What the hell, why couldn't I even be vague with Rochana, let alone mislead her? "What times I did have with her were more satisfying than with others, but in some ways just made it harder, er, more difficult to be with anyone."

Her head tilted to the opposite shoulder like the cat considering a new play toy, or a mouse, maybe even something more curious, more desirable the longer she examined me. Bit-by-bit, her face relaxed and she got a smile, almost like she looked at something she desired, no, more like wanted to keep, to hold.

She caressed my cheek, then pushed her hand along my neck and behind my head to pull me down to her, standing on her tiptoes and kissed me deeply. She dropped back to her feet, drawing a deep breath and giving a long sigh.

"We will do that again! Now! We must hurry and dress to go eat!" Her lips, pressed thin, as though hiding a smile, opening slightly, her tongue peeking out and disappearing, told me she had more in mind ... or at least that was what I hoped. I felt as though I had passed some test, but had no idea what.

I expected more mischievous play and teasing as we dressed. I tried smoothing a hand on her bottom, brushing her boobs, a quick hug. The only thing she responded to was the hug which she returned with a kiss.

She didn't hurry, but she was either pulling on panties and bra or handing me my underwear or shirt. There were no giggles but my efforts to cop a feel got a sigh and a grin each time. The only thing she permitted was when I picked up the brush and began gently working it through her hair. That lasted only long enough to smooth it sto hang straight, then she gathered it and wound it into a sort of top knot tied with a ribbon on top of her head. I got no other encouragement until we were both dressed and ready to put on our shoes heading out the door.

She gave an 'oh' and ran to the bedside to grab a small purse. I was slipping on my shoes when she came up behind me, sticking both hands inside my pants and underwear, one hard grabbing my dick and the other my balls. She hugged tight to my back while feeling me up. As soon as I started to firm up, she let go and pulled her hands out.

"Promise for later. Don't eat too much. You will need energy. Sleep not needed." She laughed as she grabbed her sandals beside the door and ran out, dancing down the hall ahead of me to the elevator.

By the time I got there she had her sandals on and was bouncing foot to foot, seemingly exuberant to be out of the room and moving. She gave me a full body hug nearly before I stopped, causing us to spin a small circle. I picked her up as we spun, moving my hands to her butt when I set her down. Before she could squirm away, I picked her up again lifting her to my waist and kissing her as deeply as she had kissed me before we dressed.

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