Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

Christian's family arrived on Wednesday, and although I was nervous about meeting them - a mere three days before the wedding! - they have been fantastic. Grace, Carrick, Elliot, Mia, and Christian's grandmother, Adele, all came from Colorado. I know that the loss of Grandpa Theo has left a hole that can't be filled, but they have all be kind and so helpful.

As Christian said they would, they didn't complain about having to stay at a hotel, and dove straight into getting the place ready for the wedding/ barbeque/ reception/ party... whatever it is. They hung lights, set out tables, and have been dealing with the florist and caterers as they have arrived today, hauling in flowers and table settings and side dishes, setting up a bar... my head hurts just thinking about it. But, thankfully - deep breath - I am not in charge today. Today, I get to be the bride.

"Ow, Kate... take it easy!" Speaking of my head hurting, it seems that she's finished with my face and has moved on to my hair. I'm not allowed to look at myself until she's done, but I can feel her twisting my hair and jabbing me with countless bobby pins. Ugh.

Kate and I have been sequestered to the shed for the past few hours. I refused to sleep apart from Christian last night, but agreed to a little separation and pampering - er, torture - this afternoon. I am not allowed to make an appearance until just before six o'clock this evening.

The men are not allowed in here, but Grace and Mia have been popping in and out with updates. The place settings are fabulous... The lighting will be perfect... The flowers are to die for... I'm glad to know that it's going well, but honestly I just want to be married to my man and move forward with our lives.

"Just about done... and with an hour to spare," says Kate. "Just have to get you dressed, and we'll be all set."

"Go peek," I plead. "Tell me what's happening."

Kate gives me the look, knowing what I'm really asking. I want to know if Matt and Olive have arrived yet. Christian got an email from Matt on Tuesday, confirming that he would stand up with him. But the email was short and to the point, and they haven't really communicated since that night.

Kate rolls her eyes, but goes over to the door and slides it back a few inches, sticking her head out. "I see... Grace, Mia, and Adele supervising the places settings... ooh they really are nice..."

"Kate..." I growl.

"Okay, okay... I see the men gathered around the fire circle, drinking bottles of beer... Ooh, your dad's with them, looks like he's fitting in fine. Hey, by the way, is Elliot single?"


"Ohh... yep, they're here."

Unable to resist, I scramble over to her and try to peek around her shoulder. "How do you know what he looks like?"

"I know because she looks like her."

Oh, right. Duh. And then I see her, standing just off to Matt's side, holding a glass of white wine. She's watching what must be their two little boys as they run in circles on the scrubby patch of grass. Butterflies bloom in my belly at the sight of her, looking so much like Natalie, but I feel relief too. It might not be perfect, it might be still a little bit awkward, but they came. And that's a start.


"Ana, are you sure this is the size you tried on? I don't remember it being this tight... maybe we should have gotten the six," Kate says as she struggles to zip me up. "There. I got it."

I let out the breath I'd sucked in, and feel the slightly stretchy material pull and expand around me. She's right... it does feel tighter. I'm already wearing Kate's wedding present to me - a pair of pearly, ivory Louis Vuitton strappy heels. I'm still getting used to them, and I totter over to - finally - look in the full-length mirror that she brought in and set up.

"Ohh... Kate! Thank you!" I squeal as I see my reflection. As she promised me over and over - as she was thinning my eyebrows and pulling my hair - I look like me, but better. My makeup is subtle, highlighting my eyes and lips, and adding definition to my cheeks. And my hair is, as Mia would say - to die for - in a gorgeous, intricate, low bun with just a few tendrils curling around my neckline. My nails and toenails are manicured to perfection - pink and whites - as demanded my Kate and Mia. All of us ladies had a spa day yesterday morning, so I also have a fresh haircut and all of my parts are thoroughly de-forested.

I hear Kate sniffing behind me, and look up to see her wiping away a tear. "Ana, you look amazing... you look so happy and just healthy. I mean, you actually have boobs now."

I return my eyes to my reflection and she's right... I have gained some weight this summer. When I came back from Panama, I was seriously underweight and had perpetual dark circles under my eyes. Now, my skin is glowing and my body's actually has some soft curves and - cleavage. Yes!

"It's all that good lovin' and good food... Christian's been grilling out almost every night - steaks and potatoes, pork chops and corn on the cob, cheeseburgers - I can't get enough of it." I catch another whiff of Cal's barbecue and my stomach growls, sending us both into fits of giggles.


Three sharp raps on the shed door pull us out of our teary-eyed hysterics, and I hear Ray's deep voice, "Is it safe to come in?"

"Daddy! Come in!" I call, wiping my face carefully as Kate fusses over my makeup one last time.

Ray pulls back the door and strides over to us, looking all cleaned up in a light button-down shirt and dark pants. "Everyone's here, kiddo... it's showtime," he says, as he pulls me in for a hug. I can tell he's still cautious about my touch issues, so I wrap my arms around him and squeeze tight, letting him know that I'm okay. That I'm back.

"My little spider monkey," I hear him whisper, and I grin at the childhood endearment.

My dad takes my arm and leads me outside, and past the various clusters of people on the lawn. I smile and nod, seeing faces that I vaguely recognize from the school. Most of my coworkers are still strangers to me, but they're important to Christian and I'll get to know them soon enough. If anyone wonders why I'm being led around by my dad - or why I'm wearing these crazy-expensive heels in the dirt, to a barbecue - they'll have their answers soon enough.

I can see Christian, Elliot, Matt, and Cal through the still-open walls of the house, gathered in front of the stone fireplace. There's a microphone set up and they all appear to be fiddling with the sound system. But I know that - really - they're waiting for us. Christian is waiting for me.

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