Chapter Fifteen

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"Anastasia. This is going to happen, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah it is," I practically pant, "Do that again." He smirks and happily obliges, running his thumb across my nipple like before. My body hums in appreciation and there is no pain, only pleasure. "You're the only one that's ever been able to -"

Shit. When am I ever going to learn to keep my mouth shut? We've already talked about infertility and pregnancy scares and controlling relationships tonight. I don't need to add in my touch issues on top of it.

While my mind has been running away with itself, he's been planting kisses along the length of my neck, from my shoulder up to just below my ear. "Ever been able to what?" He asks. When I don't say anything, he pulls back and looks at me with a concerned expression. "Ever been able to what, Ana? Touch you?"

I nod, not taking my eyes off of his, which are now icy cold. I almost expect to see frost form over his steely irises.

"What about your husband?" He asks, practically spitting out the word. "What did he do to you?"

"Not now," I say, pleading with him to let it go. "All I'm thinking about right now is... that time in your classroom? When you skimmed your hand across my butt? It was the first time that I had felt - pleasure - through touch. It was like an electric current straight to my -"

He looks like he wants to continue our conversation, but then I see the anger slowly leave him. His muscles relax and his eyes soften, becoming warm and playful again. "Straight to where, Anastasia?" He reaches around and, like so many years ago, skims his fingers across my butt. But this time he doesn't stop there. He slides his fingers down, lifting my navy dress up, and then back across my satin panties. "Because it's not too far from here..." his fingers skim down the silky fabric..." to here..." and then between my legs until they reach there. "To here." He lets his fingers in that spot for a moment, pushing up just slightly, and I move against him, wanting to find some friction against his hand. "Jesus, baby, your panties are soaked."

"They were that day too. I had to go home and change them. Did you... I mean, were you..."

"Was I turned on?" He asks, and waits for me to nod. "Fuck yes. I wanted nothing other than to lock the door and bend you over my desk. Instead, I had to take care of business under my desk."

What? Oh my God. "You... masturbated over the thought of bending me over your desk?"

He nods and his eyes go from warm to dark. Rapacious.

"Show me. Show me what you wanted to do to me."

In one fluid, predatory motion, he grabs my arm and spins me to face the bed, pushing me forward so that I fall onto the bed from the waist up, my knees on the floor. "That day you were wearing those tight little jeans that hugged your ass. And that t-shirt that showed off your nipples..."

And you were wearing a maroon polo shirt and gray dress pants... and you smelled just like you do right now.

"And your smell... like apples and sunshine," he says, and he runs his nose up the back of my neck and up into my hair.

Apples and sunshine? Really? Come on...

"Lift your arms."

I raise my upper body off the bed and comply, feel him lift my dress up and over my head. And then he tugs off my sandals, leaving me in my - mercifully - matching navy panties and bra.

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