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  • Dedicated to mom

When you think of death people think of pain, sadness a time where one thinks they were to young or that they don't deserve it. To me I pity them, those who don't understand the beauty of standing still in time.

Death for me is a beauty so deep people couldn't even understand. If you we're to say to someone in a funeral "doesn't she look so beautiful she looks better this way" they'll think your crazy because someone died shouldn't you be sad? Yes it's sad yes I know it's weird but what 
can sadness/anger do...nothing.

You might be thinking this person wants to kill or comment suicide but in realty I'm a girl who's fate is to die. 
I was born with cancer. There's one tumor in my left side organ, I'm not sure where buts its there, then there's also two more tumors but there kind of small but still big that the doctors couldn't do anything about it. The two remaining tumors are in my heart and brain.

To myself I think how am I still alive? It might have to do with the fact I'm a 
Werewolf. It's that fact that allows me 
to still dance ballet, and sings opera. 
Don't get me wrong just because I'm a werewolf it doesn't mean I won't die sure we're stronger, faster, and can shift but even dogs can die from a tumor.

All my life I've lived only in hospitals 
, ballet studios, or at my home. I was never aloud to leave home or go out by myself without maids or bodyguards. 
In the inside I may be rotting away but outside I looked too perfect, my skin was a smooth pearly white that looked breakable, one of my eyes were a clear 
Frost blue awhile the other was grey.

My hair became pure white over the years; mother never wanted it to be cut, so she kept it till it reached my lower back almost to my dairy air. (Forgive my language) because my health is not up to pair my height stayed the same 5'8 (it’s considered small in my kind).

To others I looked like a perfect doll but to the rest I was known as the ice princess! I could not blush nor could my body heat it self-very well. I would all ways be ice’s cold. 
I believe my mother named me winter for that reason. This is my story.

"Winter...winter.. Girl it's time to wake up now." With a small gasp I slowly awakened, opening my eyes to stare at another older version of me only healthier and black hair with a tanner skin. "Good morning girl... how was your nap" said the older me "...morning...mother" my mother looked at me with a sweet smile. I would've smiled back if only she didn't have emotionless eyes.

Mother, ever sense I could remember my mother would always act sweet and kind towards me but she never showed me any emotion. Don't get me wrong she never abused me in fact I rather she hit then I would get a real emotion from her.

" And that's why you need to get dress...winter did you hear me? " 
Oops...I guess she was taking to me 
"Sorry I was...I didn't hear " mother sighed and shaking her head, she been doing that for a while now only to me anyways. "I said that by dinner time we are going to have guests so you must get dress and go to your nannies home during that time" (mmm they must be a visiting pack, mother would usually just send me to my room after I greeted them.

" Mother must I go somewhere else couldn't I stay I could hel-" mother cut me off with her usual come back " winter I would have loved for you to be there but you know I...I mean we don't want to get you over whelmed, how about next time ok? " mother always uses this excuse whenever I wish to stay or be around more people, 
So I said the same thing for the past 19 years in this non going speech " ok mother.... maybe next time I'll wear that new blue dress another time" that new blue dress has been in my wardrobe for the last 6 years.

Mother simply said " good I'll go ring the maid and you get ready for breakfast ok?" She didn't even wait for a reply she took off and left with her heels clicking away. If you haven't noticed mom and I have this type of relationship for 19 years.

I shook my head I stood up and started my morning routine first I went to open my door letting in the maid after the usual greetings she waited till I was done brushing my teeth, then she helped me in my bath, when I was dry and clean she sat me down to give me my main breakfast my medicines after consuming about 10 different pills she helped me dress.

Today I decided to wear a light white dress with an oversized thick knitted cardigan that hung off the shoulder, with my ankle leather booties. I put a little amount of makeup. When I finished I went down stairs with the maid trailing behind me. As we passed pack member many bowed there heads and said hello ice princess or alpha daughter.

When we finally reached the breakfast room my family were already sitting down and eating...nice to know they waited for me sigh. So I went inside and kissed my father aka the alpha cheek saying good morning then I said hi to my 5 brothers. Titan the oldest, storm the 2nd, liven 3rd,Ben 4th, and Conner 5th (the first three are triples there 23, Ben and Conner are 19 like me were also triples)

When I was done greeting everyone I sat down in the end of the table watching everyone eat while I couldn't eat in till lunchtime because of my pills. When I looked at them I felt alone they all looked the same all black hair, tan skin, blue or green eyes I was the odd one out.

Noticing my discomfort Titan looked at me and started to bring me in the conversation by the way he's my favorite brother. " So winter we were just talking about the guests that's coming over" I looked bored but I was very interested " oh what pack are they from? " I noticed mother sighing and looking at my brother to tell him not to say anything.

Of course he never listens "There from the sliver fact the alpha is coming along with his third in command. Right father? " Daddy looked lost at thought trying to make sure he was right " yes apparently there here to-" mother cut my father off " dear winter doesn't need to know why it's not like she'll be here anyway" my brothers all looked at mom with mixed faces some in sadness, disappointment, and anger.

Father looked a little annoyed and upset at the way she talked as if I wasn't there. "Mara (aka mom aka Luna) winter is old enough to be here and I understand your.... concern but no Mather how much we want to let her be safe she has to go and experience life and.find a mate!"

To say I was shocked was an under statement I couldn't believe my father actually wanted me to find my mate. Mother on the other Hand was shocked and angry " drake! (Aka dad) how could you say this and try to bring mates in to this she will never find her mate because she is sick an-" my father slammed his hands down on the table and stood up. "Enough!!! You well not say such things in front of my daughter! Our daughter! Winter well attended this meeting and well meet the alpha and that is final!!!!" Father used his alpha command I never saw him use it on mother before.

Two hands were placed on my shoulders I looked to see it was storm he grinned and said " come on winter I'll take you to the studio" I nodded my head and stood up living my still angry mother and father. All my brothers and me took me out the house in there new sports cars. While we were driving to my second home were goofy off telling stories and yelling out the windows well they did I just talked.

When we arrived Ben took me inside while the rest stood outside talking and calling on girls. Pigs (giggle). As I changed Ben sat down at one of the waiting chairs. As I finished changing I pressed play to my CD player letting the music play in the air. I didn't have a ballet teacher anymore not sure why I think mom had something to do with that.               


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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