Moving in

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Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves. I couldn't help but think about the kiss. It was something I wished happened but I never thought it would and specially not with Steve Rogers.

"(y/n) what are you thinking about?" whispered Pepper.

"Just stuff." I whispered back.

I would have told her what I was really thinking but not at this moment. After a few more drinks, everything began to get very interesting. Watching people drunk of their asses is the most fun thing to watch when you are perfectly sober. Natasha was getting really touchy with Clint and his arrows. Bruce and my brother where going off about science and other stuff they found fun. Thor had gone back to Asgard, and Steve had gone to his room. Pepper and I were just sitting talking about issues she has with Tony and how she wished he would change. I was getting pretty tired so I decided to say my 'goodbyes' and 'goodnights' to everyone.

"Why are you leaving (y/n)? We are having a great time." Tony said slurring his words.

"Sorry, I'm just so tired and I need to get some sleep." I said. "And I also need to go back to my apartment to check up on my cat."

I didn't really have a cat but I needed an excuse to leave.

"(y/n) you don't have a cat. You're allergic to them." Tony said. "I need you to stay here and help me out with my friends. They might need someone who knows her way around town."

"I can't stay Tony. I doubt they need my help. If they are capable of getting around on their missions around the world, I'm pretty sure they can get around New York all by themselves." I pointed out.

"Please (y/n). Stay here. We need you. I need you." Tony gave me a cute puppy eyes look.

"Really brother? That face is not your thing." I rolled my eyes and looked at Pepper then back at Tony who was still making a puppy eyes face. "Ugh. Fine I'll stay for a couple of days."

"Great! You room is on the same floor as Rogers. Everything you need is there for you. I only do the best for my little sister." Said Tony while smiling at me.

 Fantastic I'm on the same floor as the man that I have been thinking about. This should be interesting. I went up to the floor I would be living in while the Avengers stayed with my brother. Every floor is this place was like an apartment. I walked towards my room and fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed. I woke up around 4:30am due to a noise outside. I really didn't want to get up but my curiosity made me do it. I opened the door and heard someone in the living area of the floor I was in. As I got closer, I saw it was Steve working out.

--Steve's POV--

I couldn't sleep so I decided to get up and work out in the living area of the floor I was staying in. I must have been really focused because I didn't see (y/n) come in. Her hair was up in a messy bun and looked half asleep. It was the most adorable thing to look at. Even the way she looks when she wakes up is wonderful.

"(y/n) what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I got woken up by some sounds but now I see that it was just you working out" she said.

"I'm sorry for waking you up. Where were you sleeping? " I apologized.

"It's ok. I'm in the room at the end of the hall. Tony wants me to stay while you guys are here" she said after a yawn.

"Oh. So you're staying on this floor?" I don't know why I asked when it was so obvious she was.

"Umm, looks like it. Most of my stuff is in there so yeah." she looked so sleepy.

I stared at her for a bit before I told her I would be quieter. She just nodded and went back to sleep. I couldn't believe she was going to be living with me for a while. This must have been planned by someone but I doubt Tony would have done it. He's so protective with his little sister.

--Normal POV--

I couldn't help but look at his muscle when Steve was telling me he would be quieter. I just nodded and went back to my room. I can't believe I'm going to be living with him. Can I handle being around him without wanting to kiss him like he kissed me? This is going to be so hard.

--Time Skip--

It had been a week since I moved to Stark Tower. Pepper convinced me to move in permanently because she needed help with my brother. Tony was excited to have me live with him. I need to go grab some things that I had left behind at my old apartment. I asked J.A.R.V.I.S to inform Tony I would be gone for a few hours. When I was heading out I heard a voice call out my name.

"(y/n) wait up. I want to go with you." said Steve. 

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