"Are you there yet?" Dad asked. I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Dad I just left!" I exclaimed as I continued walking down our block. The sun was beginning to set a beautiful shade of pink above the growing trees and the wind was becoming chillier than it had been when I'd first left the house. "I'll probably get there in about ten minutes."

I could hear him repeating what I'd said to my mom in an over exaggerated tone before returning to his phone call with me. "Ten minutes? Bella it's going to get dark! I knew I should have driven you —"

"I'm fine." I sighed, running a free hand through my messy ringlets of blonde hair. "Natasha knows that I'm on my way anyway. I'm sure she'll be waiting for me outside or something."

There was silence for a couple of seconds on the other side of the phone until my dad finally murmured a simple, "Fine."

"I'll call you later okay? When I'm on my way home."

"Okay... okay." He sighed again. "I love you. Stay safe, okay?"

"Love you too." I replied before hanging up and turning around a sharp corner.

Most people love the idea of their parents, or their father, to be exact, being overprotective, but not me. I hated it, a lot actually. I'd much rather him be laid back and only ask one or two questions instead of following my trail like a sniffer dog and interrogating me like a police officer would to their suspect.

I was a good kid... for the most part. I never stayed out past my curfew (not that I ever really had the chance to anyway with my dad on my back) I was never disrespectful to any of my elders nor adults. I managed to get mostly straight A's and yet I pretty much get kept on lockdown by my dad.

As I continued to walk I noticed that the sky was getting much darker now. I'd underestimated just how quickly the sunset went down. For once my father had been right; for once.

After what felt like hours of walking which realistically had only been short of ten minutes I arrived outside of Natasha's house. It was a small yet quaint home with shiny fairy lights covering every single inch of the porch and a pretty welcome mat beside their front door.

I smiled and tucked my hands into both of my pockets before heading up to the front door and knocking my fist carefully against it. I could hear faint music coming from inside but it wasn't your typical party music, it was more mellow and relaxed. I kind of liked it.

Within seconds the front door opened with a quick force and Natasha stood in front of me, her dark brown eyes filled with happiness as she realised that I'd finally arrived. "B!" She exclaimed in excitement, throwing her arms eagerly around my neck and pulling me close to her vanilla scented chest. She pulled away and eyed me up and down with a grin. "I love your shirt! I didn't know you were a fan of Queen."

I smiled and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear before shrugging my shoulders. "My dad got me into them when I was little." I explained, suddenly feeling extremely nostalgic when I thought back to my dad singing me songs from old rock bands and incredible solo artists.

"Cute!" Natasha grinned before taking her hand in my own and dragging me into the warmth of her home. She closed the front door behind her and led me into what I could only assume to be her living room. "You guys, this is Isabella. She's my best friend so play nice okay?"

Letters to IsabellaWhere stories live. Discover now