Misspent Years

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A/N it's a complete coincidence that I published this story around Valentines Day and I only realized this last night sjksjk

I ran as fast as I possibly could, not even stopping to catch my breath. I couldn't just stop when I had limited time, I was about to lose the love of my life! I don't know why I didn't just take my car, but the news was so sudden I didn't really think of it.

I recognized the restaurant immediately when I saw it. Nosh Olé, Mexican-Jewish Café. Isabella was a waitress there—or was—since her mother owned the place. I finally came to a stop to catch my breath, contemplating in my head on what the hell I was even going to say. I walked up to the front door, grimacing in hesitation. But I told myself, it was now or never.

I then pushed open the door and stepped inside, glancing around for my best friend. Immediately, Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro came up to me with a surprised grin on her face. "Phineas, honey! How are you?" She asked.

"Hi, Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro.." I said, feeling my heart race in my chest, "Uh, is Isabella here?"

Her smile turned into an apologetic frown in an instant, which was enough to tell me the answer. "Oh, no, sweetie. She's gone." She told me.

Then suddenly my heart stopped and shattered to pieces. "Gone.." I said, almost unable to process the information, "Like, driving-car-school..gone?"

"Yes, you just missed her." Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro said, "It's too bad you didn't get to see her off. Oh, you know, since you were kids, she's had a huge crush on you!"

I bowed my head in shame, sighing sadly. "I wish I had known..." I said disappointedly, scratching the back of my neck. Normally I would've stayed to talk to Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro, but at the moment, I just wasn't feeling up to social interaction with anyone. I turned away and walked back out the door, not wanting to ever step foot in the restaurant again.

I couldn't believe it. Just like that, she was out of my life, huh..and on the same damn day I find out she liked me for years. It was the most unfair thing.

I buried my hands in my pockets and walked slowly along the sidewalk, keeping my eyes fixated on the ground.

I can't believe that all this time,
you never said a word
Although it's possible you did
and I just never heard
I never even noticed,
I guess I wasn't that alert.
But I must say that in retrospect,
you were being quite overt

I thought back to past summers I'd spent with her, thinking about all those times she tried to get me to notice her. If I could've gone back to smack sense into my younger self, I would have. It was so obvious when I replayed it in my mind! The way she stared at me with loving eyes, the way she was always complimenting me, always willing to help me with my inventions no matter how silly they were.

And all those times she just wanted to be alone with me, and I never let it happen. Why? Why was I so damn stupid? I ignored her subtle pleas and now it was too late. I never appreciated her when I had the chance, and now I'd never get to tell her how I really felt.

And now our endless summer
is finally coming to an end
I tried to make the most of everyday
but now the years just seem misspent
What might have been

She didn't deserve all those years of neglect, she deserved so much better. If I could turn back the clock and change things, I would. I would've asked her out. I would've taken her to all the school dances. I would've walked with her along the beach. I would've pushed her on the swing, ride a bike through the park with her. I would've held the door for her, share my umbrella when it was raining.

We could've been together, all she had to say was when. But I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I wanted so much more in our relationship, but I guess..she'd always be my friend. Guess I shouldn't have been complaining, I was lucky to have her in my life any way I could have her. Isabella was the sweetest, smartest, funniest, strongest, most beautiful girl—no, woman I'd ever known. I wish she could've known that.

With nothing but guilt and regret in my mind, I began to walk back home, knowing it was all for nothing. I wasted too much time, I was too late.

What Might Have Been •Phinabella• |Phineas and Ferb Short Story| {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now