Into The Unkown

758 12 8

February 9th 2287

The steady hum of a Vertibirds engines echos off the rocky hill as it flies low and fast over the barren Boston wastelands, unbeknown to those inside the consequences of this mission would have, Their thoughts soon interrupted as the copilot turns and says "way-point three passed, five minutes from target guys", time to get ready.

Y/N does one last equipment check, before placing power armour helmet on and engaging systems, looks to squad and all give thumbs up ready to go, moments later the Vertibird touches down three hundred yards from facility, copilot quickly taking door gunner position to cover for the expected resistance to the squads deployment nothing occurred leaving squad little confused, so they went ahead with breaching facility.

As soon as breaching charges blew and facility doors caved in generation one synths appeared and instantly started firing their weapons at Y/N and squad, Y/N recieved multiple hits from the Institute laser weapons yet no damage bar few scorch marks were evident on armour, a responding long burst from assault rifle resulted in critical damage to multiple synths which rendered them completely incapacitated, the squad themselves guickly opened up with thier own assault rifle and Laser rifles hitting more synths, then a sudden yell of pain from behind signaled a squad member taking a heavy hit, a quick glance back showed him holding a severely burned and bleeding arm also incapacitating him from any further action, Y/N quickly telling injured squad member to hold his ground from now on, the remaining gen one synths finally fell to the firepower of remaining squad.

Pushing on deeper in facility Y/N and squad come to a heavier security door, it soon broke to the brute force of Y/N power armour, stepping through the twisted remains of door took the scientists within by surprise a few started panicking as squad moved further inside. It was the sudden appearance of a institute courser that came as a shock to squad for it to be in such new facility and Y/N remaining squad members paid for that hesitation, all except Y/N taking making multiple hits from coursers laser weapons rendering them almost completely incapacitated.

Y/N yells at them to scram to evac back to vertibird, then charges forward to engage the courser to hinder it or hopefully destroy it,

Y/N continued to battle the courser with panicking scientists running about the room and trying desperately to hide,
Y/N was deciding to retreat when by pure luck a heavy burst from assault rifle hit and shattered the coursers right leg and down he fell, Y/N watched as courser dragged himself toward some equipment used by scientists and pulled himself up into standing position again while keeping equipment behind him as support, though courser was covered by Y/N assault rifle the entire time it still attempted to bring its laser rifle into action again, giving Y/N no choice but to empty the remainder of magazine into it, the sustained burst punched clean hole through courser and into equipment behind, much to the panicked scream of a institute scientist saying not to.

The resulting discharge from destroyed courser traveled into the seriously damage scientific terminal which sent all other equipment in room haywire, Y/N noticed also that his power armours power source was reacting to the disturbance in room, then a panicking scientist yells "We are done for" as equipment starts exploding. Last thing Y/N sees and feels is a bright flash and immense heat then everything goes dark...

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