Royal pain

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Caitlin looks at Ruby's bionic chip.

"It looks like everything on your chip is still in tact." Caitlin said.

Ruby looks at Caitlin.

"Then why can't I use my bionics?" Ruby asked.

"The energy from the crystal seems to have taken away the power of your bionics themselves." Caitlin said. "You would need a powerful surge of electricity to reactivate it."

How are we going to do that?" Ian asked.

Layla walked over.

"I know someone." Layla said. "Give me a minute." She said walking off.


In the detention center, a villain by the name Royal Pain sat chained to her desk.

Layla walks in.

"And what's a goody like you doing in detention?" Royal Pain said.

"I need your help with something." Layla said. "A friend of mine needs a powerful surge of electricity to reactivate her powers."

"And you chose me?" Royal Pain asked. "What about Armstrong?"

"He doesn't have electric powers." Layla says. "You were my other option."

"Sorry not interested." Royal Pain said.

Layla leaves the room.


Caitlin enters the detention center.

"Layla wow." Royal Pain said. "Has it been that long?"

"Not exactly." Caitlin said. "You need to listen to us."

"Us?" Royal Pain asked.

Caitlin turns into Killer Frost.

"Yeah we're not Layla." Killer Frost said.

"Sure." Royal Pain said as she grabbed a poisonous plant. "Any chance you can help do a killing with this?"

Killer Frost smiled, touched the plant and froze it solid before shattering it.

"Help us." Killer Frost said pointing to the plant. "Or your next."

"Ugh." Royal Pain said as she rolled her eyes. "Fine."


Ruby is brought to the detention center with Killer Frost.

"Stay still." Royal Pain said. "This will sting."

Royal Pain sends electricity into Ruby's chip.

Ruby feels the electricity shoot through her and winces at the pain.

The bionic chip begins to spark.

"That's enough." Killer Frost says.

Royal Pain continues to increase the voltage.

"That's enough!" Killer Frost shouted as she touched Royal Pain.

Royal Pain's electricity sends Killer Frost flying back as she continues.

"Enough!" Ruby shouted as she swung a punch, sending Royal Pain flying through a wall.

Royal Pain tries to get up.

Ian arrives with special cuffs.

"Courtesy of Earth 1." Ian said.

Royal Pain kicks a loose pole and knocks down a wall towards Ian.

Ruby jumps in front of Ian and punches the falling wall, destroying it on impact.

"Welcome back." Ian said smiling.

"Good to be back." Ruby said.


Ruby stood on one of the balconies of the school.

Ian walked over.

"You okay?" Ian asked.

Ruby nods and looks outside.

"Just worried." Ruby said. "We need to find the others, but we don't even know where to look."

"We'll find them." Ian said. "Don't worry."

"How did we do this?" Ruby asked.

"Do what?" Ian asked.

"Switch places." Ruby replied. "Usually I'm the one telling you to stop worrying."

"True." Ian said with a laugh.

Ruby and Ian stood silent.

A glow came from Ian's pocket.

"What is that?" Ruby asked.

Ian reached into his pocket and pulled out a crystal fragment that alternated between a pink and blue glow.

"I think it's Alex and Arcturion." Ian said. "This could be how we find them."

"I think I see something in it." Ruby said.

"I think I can help with that." Caitlin said.


Caitlin places the crystal fragment on a machine.

A 3D hologram projects around Caitlin, Ian, and Ruby.

"Try not to touch anything." Caitlin warned. "It's still Arcturion's energy."

"Why put it in the gym?" Ian asked.

"It's pretty much like your everyday video." Caitlin explained. "It has to be a certain size to show everything."

The energy transformed into a frozen image of what looked to be the battlrealm.

Ian and Ruby walk around.

"Phoebe becomes a wielder." Ruby said. "I know she can copy powers but...this is an infinity stone we're talking about."

Ian saw Dalton and Perseus together.

"What is this?" Ian asked.

The projected energy began to move around and seemed to be battling something. Alex, Arcturion, and a few more unclear people appeared.

"Ian look out!" Ruby shouted.

A piece of energy shoots inside Ian, causing him to see flashes of colors before regaining sight, but unable to control his words or actions.

"We have to merge back again." Alex said.

Arcturion nodded in agreement.

"We don't even know if it's okay for you to merge anymore." Ian blurted out.

"Ian's right." Phoebe said.

"If we merge with the infinity stones and totems together we can win this." Arcturion said.

"Even if you knew that was true..." Ian said. "We're still missing the Soul Stone."

The image flashes like a glitched static video.

Arcturion and Alex face each other.

"Let's do this." Arcturion said.

Alex nodded.

"One last time." Alex said.

Alex and Arcturion grabbed each other by the hand and began to merge.

"Guys wait!" Ian shouted.

Ian then saw a large purple figure flying above them.

"He's here!" Ian shouted.

Arcturion and Alex were together but didn't have a complete form.

Arcturion and Alex scream in pain before a blast of energy explodes from them and creates a blinding light.

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