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"Legend says that if you come across your doppelgänger, you're destined to die!"

"Uwaa!!! No way! That's Bull!"

"Yea. Like who's gonna believe THAT shit?! Get real (Y/N). That's just something you heard online."

You tried to explain to your friends that this is a real phenomenon. People were actually dying from coming in contact with themselves. But how? Katsuki would never believe her and everyone else in 1-A just kinda agreed with him.


"(Y/N)!! You hear me?!"


(Y/N) was pushed out of her train of thought by her friend, Ochaco. Lately she had been losing focus in class and everyone was feeling kinda..worried. It was a normal day in school; girls gossiped about the news and what rumors were going around, Iida kept pestering Bakugou to get off the desks, Midoriya was always muttering. Ya know, the same old, same old.

"Yea (Y/N) that's so unmanly of you to be like this. What's up?"
Kirishima wondered. He was always around you when not with Bakugou. He did treat you like a brother and stuff but deep down you felt as though he may have had feelings for you.

"Oh it's nothing guys. I'm fine! I was just thinking about the news is all."
(Y/N) gave off a chuckle and her friends all shrugged their shoulders and continued on with their conversations.

She was, well, kinda thinking about the news. A lot of crimes were happening and she couldn't understand why. Some people who were getting arrested were people who she knew wouldn't think of doing such a thing.

Then it hit her.

'Doppelgängers...It's true!'



She had caught him off guard with the sudden shout. But after a minute, he suddenly realized what she meant.

"Cut the crap (Y/N). Those people just happen to get caught!"

"NO! Do you ever think that the people committing these crimes, are people you wouldn't think would do that? What 90 year old lady would just out of nowhere, run from the bank they just robbed? RUN!"

She did have a point. Usually if you were in you 90s, you couldn't run fast. So Bakugou did think it was kinda strange. But to keep his reputation, he just blurted out laughing.

"Whatever you say, extra. You're just imagining things."

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