Mysterious Labryrinth

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I couldn't believe it. I had been walking around this maze forever. I had lost my hot pink string way back at the start and got separated from Carter and Rose. We were an amiable group of friends. We had been picked on this quest by the Oracle of Delphi. I was a Parisian for quests and took it up with them. We had a hot pink string so we could find our way out, but it ran out. Then, the monster came.

The monster had a body of a human but twice the size and hairy. You could tell just by looking at it that it could crush you in a second. It had iron plating and the head was of a bull with intense crimson eyes. It carried an axe to kill and protect whatever was in the middle of this labyrinth. A minotaur was what we called it. There were stories of the minotaur with gory pictures alongside them. When we had faced the minotaur, it was like it was inducing me with something just by looking at me. It made me want to run away and cry like a baby until I died. It was terrifying.

"Carter, Rose, are you there. "I called out, my voice hoarse and I knew I should conserve all the energy I had.

I knew if we ever found each other we would have to vacate this quest. I know, it was not very heroic of us, but we would die in here. But by the looks of, we were all probably befuddled to much too know how to get out.

When us three started this quest there was no way our agenda included this huge leeway but here we were. And I blamed it on me. I was truly the reason we were here, and I had cut the string to short. I even may be the cause for all this adversity of when we came across the minotaur.

It had felt like it had been days, weeks, months, or even years. I stumbled across corners, not caring at all that I may be caught. I had reached a part of the labyrinth that was lighter and there was less blood on the walls. No, there was actually no blood on the walls at all. This is super weird, I thought. I didn't really mind it though since I hated the sight of blood. Yes, yes, a warrior who most likely will throw up at the sight of blood. Back there I may have but I had nothing in my stomach but acid.

I turned another corner. At the end of this one there was a door. It was old, I could tell that, with a jar like wood frame. There were lines of writing in an old secret language. Monsters and warriors, and gods and goddess were built out of a smooth black stone and were of the lining. Without hesitation I opened it.

I had entered a cave of some sort. There was no lighting because the clear water shone like a diamond. The inky black ground was smooth at some points and jagged at others. I looked more closer into the pool. I realized that there were sirens in the pool. But these were not the killing kind, I realized. A little girl barely eight years old flashed me a smile with sharp, pointy teeth and waved. Her eyes were a neon green and her tail was silver. She pointed to the corner.

"Are those your friends? Malso brought them in and said to keep them safe. He said that a girl will come and that I should protect them from harm. Are you that girl?" she asked in a silky voice.

I looked to where she had pointed and gasped. There, sitting down and sleeping, where Jax and Rose. I quickly looked back at the siren.

"I am that girl. Thank you so much for keeping them safe. What is your name?" I asked, politeness and curiosity taking over.

"I am called Analura. What is yours?" she answered calmly.

"My name is Carter Tesia, daughter of Hephaestus." I said, laughing quietly.

A warrior blacksmith is what people usually call me, but she didn't need to know. But onto the next thing. How was I going to get out of here and what is the mystery behind the creatures here? 

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