SIXTEEN: "Beat You To It."

Start from the beginning

'Fesity.' Jay whispers. 

'Shut up.' Alicia shakes her head, laughing. Jay, Will and Matt laugh, turn around and run off after Kelly and Antonio. Donna and Boden walk up to Alicia. 

'You look beautiful.' Donna grins as she hugs Alicia. 

'Thank you.' Alicia grins back. Once they've parted, she hugs Boden. 'Thank you for organizing this.' She parts from Boden. 

'It's not a problem.' Donna replies. She looks at her watch. 'We better get going and grab our seats. We'll see you down there.' 

Five minutes later, Shaylynn, Sylvie, Emily, Stella and Natalie lead Alicia and Pat down to where the ceremony is. After a few moments, they come to Cloud Gate (the Bean). Alicia gasps when she realises that the ceremony is there. Everyone is sat down and running between the two blocks of chairs, is a carpet of pastel pink and blue flower petals. Over each chair is a white cloth with either a pastel pink or patel blue bow on. She puts her hand over her mouth. 

'Oh my god.' She whispers. 

'You like it then?' Shaylynn questions. 

'I love it.' Alicia nods. Shaylynn looks at her watch and sees that it's bang on 2pm. 

'Then let's get you down the aisle.' Shaylynn grins. She turns around and motions for the band to start playing. Instead of playing the classical wedding march, they play a slow version of "Everytime we touch" by Cascada with a woman singing the lyrics.

The first to walk down the aisle is Sylvie, then Natalie, then Stella and Emily. Once Emily has taken her place, Shaylynn starts to walk down the aisle and after a few seconds, Alicia and Pat walk down the aisle. At the end of the aisle, Pat kisses Alicia on the cheek and shakes Connor's hand before handing her off to him. Alicia passes her bouquet to Shaylynn and turns to face Connor. He takes her hands in his. Once the music has stopped, the minister motions for everyone to sit down. 

'I'd like to welcome you all to the marriage of Alicia Marie Halstead and Connor Rhodes.' The minister smiles. 'If anyone should object to this couple bein joined in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.' The minister pauses for a couple of minutes. 'We shall proceed with the ceremony.' 

After twenty-five minutes, they get to the exchange of the rings. Matt hands Connor Alicia's ring. He picks up her hand and slips it onto his finger, reciting, 'I give you this ring as a token of my love and a sign of our marriage. All that I am I give to you, all that I have I share with you. I promise to respect you and cherish you, throughout our lives together.' He drops her hand and she turns around and gets Connor's ring from Shaylynn. Like Connor, she slips the ring onto his finger, reciting something similar.

'I give you this ring as a sign of our marriage and as a sign of our love, as a token and pledge of my love and as a symbol of all we have promised. I promise to be faithful and loyal, to respect and cherish you, throughout our lives together.' Alicia smiles. 

'It is with great pleasure that I pronounce you husband and wife.' The minister beams. 'You may now kiss the bride.' Before Connor can even pull Alicia into him, she grabs onto his tie, pulls him to her and plants a kiss on his lips. Everyone stands up, claps and cheers. After a minute, they part. 

'Beat you to it.' Alicia smirks. Connor says nothing, he pulls her into him and kisses her again causing everyone to erupt into more claps and cheers. 


Another update for you (especially you, DharmaWinter)! I was going to do a Valentine's day inspired ceremony since it is a Valentine's day wedding but then I changed my mind as I got another idea. All will be revealed in the next chapter! 

Shaylynn Voight belongs to RonnaSweeney

Any more guesses on what the gender is?

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