Chapter 1: Summer Together

Start from the beginning

What's worse is that they arrived at their destination roughly at the same time. Don't know if their dads planned it or not, but they were not happy. Sally could only groan when she sees the black Dacia Duster. Kira could only slump his head when he sees the white Land Rover Discovery.

None of them wanted to get out from the car. The car is the only thing that is between them and the inevitable. They wanted to stay in the car, but when the car was parked, and their parents got out, they have no other choice but to follow.

"We'd better go to the Magic Kingdom," Sally muttered under her breath.

"This place better has a pool," Kira muttered under his breath.

When Kira saw Sally, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. She's Disney bounding, as usual. She's wearing a black top, a red skirt, black leggings, and yellow sneakers. She also tied her hair in low pigtails with red ribbon and she had her white watch on her left wrist. Black, red, and yellow? Gee, wonder who that could be? She's even listening to music with a large grey headphone with Mickey pictures for crying out loud!

Sally is obviously trying to avoid eye contact with Kira, but she saw him with his blue jeans and a black shirt with the Konoha symbol at the center. Both of them obviously making a statement.



The two men greeted each other with a manly hug. Sometimes seeing those two together breaks Sally and Kira's heart. Kira really likes Mr. Baker. He is a nice guy and he is very generous. How could he hate the guy who always take him out to eat whenever they met? Just like Kira is fond of Mr. Baker, Sally couldn't bring herself to hate Mr. Kishimoto. How could she? He would give her drawings of her favorite Disney characters, some of which were obscure. They're happy that their dads are friends with such great guys, but by God do they hate their offspring.

"How are you?" Mrs. Baker asked as she shook Mr. Kishimoto's hand.

"Quite well, Beatrice," Mr. Kishimoto answered.

"Hello, Kira!" said Mr. Baker whilst shaking Kira's hand.

"Hi, Mr. Baker," Kira answered.

"My, my, you sure have grown up to be quite the handsome young man," Mrs. Baker remarked. Kira knows she's probably being nice, but he couldn't help but blush.

"You're studying in college, yes?" Mr. Baker asked.

"Yes, sir," Kira answered.

"We were kind of surprised when your father said you're majoring in hospitality management. We thought you'd study animation," said Mrs. Baker.

Kira answered with a small smile, "Yeah, but being an animator doesn't really pay and we're kind of in a pinch."

Well it's complicated. Kira's dream job is to become an animator. Not just any animator, an anime animator. However, to be an anime animator, he'll have to study in Japan. Now, Japan is a tad bit far from Portland Oregon, kind of hundreds of miles away. If he follows his dream, that means he's leaving his dad and two sisters alone. Not like he has money to go to Japan anyway. Well, he does kind of... If his little sisters quit school... and if they stop paying for his mothers rehab funds. Besides, being an animator doesn't mean he'll get a lot of money anyway.

So, here he is. Taking hospitality management so he can quickly get a job in a hotel or tourist attraction somewhere. At least it won't be as boring as working in an office. His dad encourages him to follow his dream and take on animation. In fact, Mr. Kishimoto really wants him to go to Japan and pursue anime or at least study animation. As tempting as it sounds, family comes first. He has responsibilities unlike some people.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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