Hayato Ozaki x reader part 2

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Hayato and (y/n) two are getting married in the next day. You were getting ready for tomorrow's party. "Tomorrow's the special day.. I must not mess up!" You said. But then, hayato approached to you. "My bride is so fired up, huh?" "Why? Is it bad for me? I'm so excited after all."

Then, he got so serious for some reason..
"Where do you want to go for our honeymoon in the future?"
"Wha-WHAT?!" You being shocked about this makes him laugh at you
"We are getting married tomorrow. Then next, we're going for  that so.... Where do you want to go?"
"Anywhere that is c-c-com-fortab-ble"
"Then, it will be a surprise"

Next day~(Wedding)
Flower girl, ring bearer, bride's maid, parents, groom, etc. Started to March(walk) with the music played. Then lastly the beautiful Bride.

A/N: sorry about my bad writing! Well.. you see.. I don't remember much of those things that happen in every wedding. So I'm gonna skip all things that will happen in the wedding and for the day... Pls. Don't hate me!! My memory is very bad after all....

2nd day~
You can already hear and smell the sea. You're so excited about this cause it's been a long time since you two travelled. "The sea!" You said sounding like a kid. "Don't be like that. You see, we're gonna enter the vacation house and put our baggage in our room. If you like, go to the sea once we're finished. And, we'll be staying here for 2 days, understand?" "Okay, sir! "
"Don't call me sir"
"Then what? Should I be allowed to call you honey?"
"Wha-" You can't take off your eyes to him cause he's so cute when he's blushing. He noticed this and cover his face with his hands.
"You're cute~ H.O.N.E.Y HA-YA-TO" you said teasing him. When you finished your word, he kissed you passionately. He pulled you to him and continued the kiss.

----next hour----
"We're finished!" With a sigh of relief, you think about why were you and him choose this place. And that is to swim and enjoy. You made yourself ready using your bikini. But firstly you applied a sunscreen in your whole body so you won't have sunburns. Second, you used your summer hat and towel. As you were ready to go out, "Where is Hayato-kun? Well, maybe he's outside."

The sun is so high (so hot) well, of course, it IS summer. Putting your towel and hat in a side, you ran to the water and swim.

While floating on to the sea water makes you feel good. Then a call almost made you drowned. "(Y/N)! Lunch time!" "Wait for a bit!" You shouted. It was a no fun for you cause when you enjoyed something and someone just disturbed you, it gives you a headache.

-------vacation house-------
"Your favorite. Sorry I disturbed you" saying no reply, you ate the dish that he made. "No..way.. for the first time.." you said shocked "hmm? Is it bad? I can made anoth-"
"It's so delicious! Yet it's the first time that you cooked for me."
"My payment for always cooking for me."
"No need"
"Oh is that so? When you finished eating, rest for a bit so you can swim again"

---time skip-- nighttime -----

Coming soon!!!!

Part 3 coming soon! Lemon!!

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