Subway seat

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A/n ok I know what you guys are gonna say buuuut....UGH I LOVE HER OK

(Y/n) p.o.v

I was sitting on a bench waiting for the train to come for Brooklyn, my suit case next to me and my backpack on, watching evangellion on my phone.

I felt the familiar feeling of wind coming from the tracks and looked up to see the train for Brooklyn finally came, I put my phone in my jacket pocket and grabbed the handle of my suitcase and walked in the train finding and open seat near the window.

I took out my phone and pressed play to continue watching my anime, for a few mintues I watched in silent until I felt someone threw themselves in the seat next to me and saw a middle aged woman with a lab coat and scarf on, with rectangular glasses on, her hair frizzy and having some purple hair dye in her hair, her bike leaning on the pole that was attached to our seat.

She finally saw me starring and I quickly looked back to my phone, I felt someone lean in and saw her trying to watch my phone, I took out the earphones I had and raised an eyebrow.

"Uhhh...excuse me."

Her head shot up and her cheeks turned slightly red.

"Sorry, I just couldnt help myself I used to watch that anime when I was in college."


I handed her my right earphone and smiled

"Wanna watch with me?"

That took her by surprise for a bit and smiled and took the ear bud and put it on.

*time skip*

The episode ended and just in time to see we arrived at Brooklyn.

"Hey um I actaully gotta go since this is my stop."

"Oh no worries I'm actually stopping here."

"Oh cool"

I let her get off first so she could get her bike, I got up after her grabbing my suitcase and walking out of the train.

"So how long have you been in New york" I asked her

"Ehhh longer than you think actaully, been here since I was done with college."

"Oh, same, I'm actually done with college myself, so I decided to come here since I have no where else to go after my parents died"

"Oh....i'm Sorry"

We got out of the subway and was met with cold wind from the night and busy streets, car honks, and well, regular city noises.

" this is new york"

I was amazed by all the lights and energy around the city, it felt nice.

"I know right, my first reaction also when I got here"

She soon got on her bike

"Oh by the way might wanna warn you, there's a lot of hero stuff here in New York, which means there's a lot of villains, so hero's has to come in and clean up the problem"

She told me before biking away on the street.

"Just like My hero acadamia!"

*time skip to like at least a month*

I settled in new York quite nicely and also got the number from liv, the nice woman on the train, we've been talking for a while now and she even would come and visit me.

'I don't know if I'm falling in love with i?'

I stared at my phone for a while

'Nah...she probally has a boyfriend or girlfriend of so than that girl is SO lucky'

I fall back on my bed with my phone in hand an arm resting on my forehead staring at the ceiling the TV still on in the background.

"Breaking news, spiderman has saved the day once again from the menacing Doc Ock, the footage your seeing is a live battle going on in the streets of Brooklyn"

I sat up watching the TV.

'Wait is that....'

I crawled over to the foot of my bed and near my TV to see.

'She looks famillair....'

I soon heard frantic knocking on my arpartment door.

I got up from bed putting on my flip flops and walking over to my door in nothing but a shirt and panties.

I opened door and was shocked to see who it was.


She was holding on her arm, breathing heavily and blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

But that wasnt the thing that caught me, what caught me off was that she was wearing the same suit the villain spidey was fighting.

"Hey (Y/n), uh you dont mind me crashing here for a bit would you..?"

"No no of course you can"

I got out of the and her "Tentacles" walked her in and made her sit on the bed.

I quickly went over to the bathroom and find the first aid kit.

I went back to my 'Living room' and saw that her tentacles were gone and so was her suit. So she was just in my tank top and shorts.

"I uh, borrowed your clothes if you dont mind"

"No its ok"

I sat next to her having the first aid kit.

"Ok can you Uhhh...lift your shirt please"

"Oh right right.."

She lifted the tank top to see bruises and scars most of them are fresh and some are old.

I opened the the lid to the kit and grabbed out the cotton balls and bandages along with the alcohol.

I started putting alcohol on the the cotton balls and dabbing it on of the scars.


I pulled back a bit

"No no its ok it just stings a little"

I continued cleaning the scars and started wrapping the bandages on her.


She put down the tank top and looked away a bit.

I went back to the bathroom to put back the kit and went to grab two beer cans and went back to the living room.

I sat next her and handed her the can.

She mumbled a thanks and opened the can.

I sat next to her flipping the channel to Cartoon Network and saw steven universe playing.

Liv and I were just watching the TV with our beer.

"You must have a lot questions dont you...."

I turned around and saw her looking at me.

"Not really to be honest..."

"Oh...thats good cause I dont wanna scare you or anything"

"No its ok"

I stretched my arms up over my head and fall on my back.

"Looks like some one is tired"

I saw her lay down next to me and was really close.

I turned pink when she put a strand of my hair behind my ear

"Your cute when you blush you know"

My eyes widened and my pinkness turned to redness

"We'll I better get to sleep and return home for tommorow"

She crawled on my bed and got under the covers and she instantly went out like a light

I just sat up and stared at the tv.

"I think I'm in love"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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